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Is there really such thing as a soulmate? someone forever?

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Haven't read it but I'll check it out if I get a chance.




Ok, I'm not saying God did it either. Honestly, I gave up on figuring that all out a long time ago. I believe humanity will figure out the answers, but it won't be for millennia. We're not ready for those answers yet. But whatever happened back then doesn't change the fact that we are here now. It also doesn't change how we should live now, as good people doing the right thing. When I say God, I'm not referring to a creator so much as a feeling of love and compassion that guides us. That's what I consider the true essense of God. I just say God because its easier then always launching into a paragraph of explanation and because I grew up with people using that term so it comes naturally to say it.


Ever seen the Santa Clause with Tim Allen? Whenever someone mentions faith I think about that movie. Tim Allen became the new Santa Claus and his son was going around telling people. The kids stepfather was trying to convince him that santa doesn't exist because no one has ever seen him or raindeer that fly, etc. His response: Have you ever seen a million dollars? You don't have to see something to know that it exists. I believe in lots of things but I haven't seen it in person. I believe in love even though I haven't felt it, romantic love that is. It's more then an idea, its a fact. If you want to see that, look at couples who have been together 50+ years. Then believe it.


I also don't like the idea of talking and praying everyday. I don't do that at all. That's one problem I have with religions, they get too focused on minor things like that and all to often it divides us. But when you look at it, pretty much all religions have the same values... do right, love others, be a good person. Regardless of what religion you choose, follow those ideas and you are doing what is right. If there is some creator behind all this, he should accept you because of the person you were. If there isn't, then all that matters is the life you lived, and you would have lived a good one making the world a better place. What happens when we die is something to worry about when we get there. But whatever our view is, it doesn't change the way we should act on the present.


I'm all about facts and logic. I like numbers, where 2 + 2 = 4. But even numbers can lie or be manipulated. Even scientists with the same given information can sometimes come up with different hypothesis. So how do you know that this experiment is going to prove your theory? How do you know that you've got a really good idea on something? It's faith in your self. And you also have faith that certain things will always act a certain way, like positive chages always repelling. You have faith that the earth isn't going to open up tomorrow and swallow you whole. You do have faith, faith that things will work out in a logical and factual way. Where we are coming from is that even things that don't seem to be factual can still make sense, we just haven't found a way to make sense of it yet.


Ok, back to the movie. It had a great line that summarizes what I am saying: Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing.


If you believe there is a logical pattern to things, you'll find it. If you believe in the universe connecting together, you'll see how it does.

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Believe what you want! This is what I've been trying to say. It's cool that you've decided what you want to believe in.


It's you who isnt cool with me believing in what I want to believe in because if you hadnt you wouldnt be giving me a hassle about it all. You were the one who said, "Dont bring God into this" remember? (in another topic for any outsiders reading this)




When did I tell you weren't allowed to believe what you believed in? If you believe in what you believe in, then cool.


I think I misunderstood you. I wrote on impulse after reading your replies but only now have I gone back and reread them.. and I feel very stupid. I'm so so sorry!

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What do you believe then? Maybe if you said it in your own words we can see if its the same thing.


I believe that there's a possibility that we will figure out what started all of this but until then I won't jump to the conclusion that God did it. I guess what it really boils down to is that I don't rely very much on faith in general. I mean honestly, who can believe in something 100% if they have never seen it? Sure, you can really believe in it but until you see it, it's just an idea to me. I don't like the idea of talking and praying to someone every day and then finding out after I died that they never existed in the first place. This goes for any religious/spiritual belief. I don't want to live the rest of my life believing an idea like that and then finding out when I'm gone that it was just simply my imagination the entire time.


I would rather live life and experience what I can and not live off of such an idea (if that's what you guys do). Yes, as you can tell, I'm mostly about the facts. That's why I really enjoy a lot of the sciences (especially astronomy). Scientists are mostly about the facts. What kind of data was gathered from star X and what can we prove from this? And so on. I really just don't have much faith in general. Don't get me wrong, I have self-confidence and all of that but just don't like relying on faith for a lot of things. I'm not saying you guys rely on faith or anything but I know a lot of religious/spiritual people that do. Was that the kind of explanation you were looking for?


You're very interesting. I'm glad you shared that.


See, I also disagree with the praying and talking to God thing as means of total faith (if that makes sense). A lot of people pray to God merely for miraculas(cant spell) intervention... for example: "Please, God, help me to get this." This to me is not true faith. This is false. I believe that instead of waiting for life to bring you things you have to do them yourself. But this does not mean to not have faith while you do them.


I dont know if there's an intelligent creator and designer, that I cant answer. What I do know are the things I feel. When I walk alongside nature, I feel loved and safe. When I was a child, my first instinct was to believe in this force- that felt like magic. It felt like I could control this magic. And I think I do. We do. Or atleast we can.


This is what I mean when I say the words, Life and God can be interchanged. Neale Walsh said something similar to this and it has never left my mind: Look around at Life. There is nothing life wants nor has to have from us. Life's existence is life's own evidence for life. We are all a part of Life and life lives through us. Through life, we are all connected. We are all One. There is nowhere that life begins or life ends because life carries on nomatter what. How life works is mysterious but it is there and it does work.


Now interchange the word life with God and you'll better understand my beliefs about God.


Walk alongside nature. Have an intimiate time with it, a time for you. It has a way of healing, of neverending or lessening beauty, and forever lasting and unconditional love. There is a force behind things, there to tell us we have nothing to fear.


And that's exactly what happens when you believe in it- you no longer have anything to fear. Because you realize that there is nothing to have. It's a part of you and it's already yours.


What you believe, you experience. This is true for all things. If you believe you are ugly, you experience ugliness. If you believe you are worthless, you experience worthlessness. If you believe in God, you experience God.


It does not come before. It does not happen to you. You control it. It's up to you to "jump thru the hoop."


So does it really matter if it's the truth or not? No because by believing in it, it becomes real in your reality. For example, in school all the girls do is strive to become beautiful. I myself had a no win battle with the mirror each morning... but I realized that: it was a no win battle. I decided that instead of fighting against being something I'm not, I would become what I wanted to be.


Life is a lot about acting. Now when I walk down the halls in my school, I imagine that I already am beautiful. I imagine that my hair is flowing and my eyes are glowing and somehow my face feels as though it is being morphed right there in the hallway... and so is how I feel about myself.


now when I look into the mirror, I dont need to pretend anymore because I see beauty and others see beauty and it's amazing how believing in it causes it to shine through. And it only makes me believe more.


What I find hard to believe though is that if there is no source to believe in, then how does believing work? Wanting something, wanting God does not work. You have to make yourself see it, open your heart to the possibillity before you can experience the realness in your reality of it.


It's not a matter of what's true. It's a matter of what you want. Many feel like their life is devoid of love but once they start giving it, it's like they are demonstrating to the universe that they already have it... and so they do.

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I thought the discussion will be about soulmates. Instead I realize people are fighting over the existence of god. I miss the correlation, Or is god your soulmate ?

Anyway, i dont believe in soul mates; I do believe some girls will be more compatible than others and i wouldn't mind sharing my life with them.

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I thought the discussion will be about soulmates. Instead I realize people are fighting over the existence of god. I miss the correlation, Or is god your soulmate ?

Anyway, i dont believe in soul mates; I do believe some girls will be more compatible than others and i wouldn't mind sharing my life with them.


lol yeah, we got off subject alittle but hey, a conversation goes where it goes.

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I guess what it also boils down to for me is the fact that none of us know what happened before we all existed. None us know whether the Big Bang really happened and even if it did, what happened before that? Since these are questions I do not know the answer to, I will not believe in any religious/spiritual set of beliefs that attempt to answer this question. The fact is we all just don't know what truly happened and what is going on right now. People can convince themselves of an idea and believe it, but in the end no one truly knows what should be the driving force of all of our lives. blueangel, I know you're trying to say it's not about the truth. However, wouldn't you rather just know somehow?

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You wont know anything about God unless you believe in God because only then do you experience him and the truths that come with.


Not knowing how the world began is not affecting much of where we are going... and so where we are going is all we need be worried about. Seriously though, you too would really benefit from The Case for a Creator because it shows both sides and is really interesting.


There's a lot we dont know about science and much of it is that there is a lot more of strange intervention then there is of natural causes... especially in dealing with the creation and design of the universe.


Good read. Above my head. But still a good read.

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You wont know anything about God unless you believe in God because only then do you experience him and the truths that come with.


Not knowing how the world began is not affecting much of where we are going... and so where we are going is all we need be worried about. Seriously though, you too would really benefit from The Case for a Creator because it shows both sides and is really interesting.


There's a lot we dont know about science and much of it is that there is a lot more of strange intervention then there is of natural causes... especially in dealing with the creation and design of the universe.


Good read. Above my head. But still a good read.


I know a lot about God and I don't believe it in the idea of it. I used to be on the other side of the fence a long time ago. I was raised as a Christian and eventually joined a Christian club at my school. Soon enough though I realized that I just don't believe in the idea of God in the first place and couldn't bring myself to "pretend" with these people any longer.


If we don't know what happened in the beginning, then how do you expect to ever predict the future? How do you think historians are able to predict what will happen in the future (and in many cases they're right)? Because they have solid knowledge on what happened in the past (maybe not in the beginning but many of the events that took place long ago).


You're right, we don't know much about science. But look how much we have progressed since the beginning. Starting from the ancient philosophers to the contemporary scientists. Long ago humans never even realized that the Earth was revolving around the Sun. They never realized that there were other galaxies out there. But now they know. So I think, as ShySoul said, that we will eventually find what we are looking for but maybe not in our lifetime.

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Want to know some experiences I've had with God-


Well, throughout my childhood, I had always been intrigued in the supernatural. Because of this, I would often play on the quija board (board for contacting spirits) and maybe opened some doors I shouldnt have? I dont know. Strange things happen to me every once in a while (or did) such as in the middle of the night, random things would be thrown against the wall, jolting me from sleep. Sometimes when I'd put a pencil to paper, something (feeling like a real life hand) would grab my wrist and start literally moving it back and forth. I cant sleep at night anymore (or atleast for a long time) because I'd get scared when my dog would randomly snap at the air, awakening from sleep or when the lights would start flickering. I dont know how to explain all of that, maybe I'm crazy(ha! probably) but I would get so scared at night, that I would have to leave my light on until morning. I tried praying to God for help but it never did anything. Then, one night (not saying I believe in Jesus or not but Im just saying it how it happened) I prayed to Jesus and this calm came over me like nothing before. Maybe it was because I believed it would work or just coincidence... but the next morning, I was so happy that my fear or any reasons for fear were gone that I just broke down into tears out of pure joy.

I even called my mom to tell her but she just said, "take your medication lately?" so I hung up on her. But that's besides the point.


Another thing that happened was once at my youth group, we had to stand up and sing with the band on the stage some worship song. I thought it was stupid so I didnt really join in. But then the lights suddenly started flickering, and the music was dying until all we were left with were the surrounding candles on the stage, the darkness, and our voices. It was such a strange but beautiful moment. I felt safe as my own voice faded in with theirs. The guy on stage put down his guitar and so did everyone else with instruments. It lasted for a good while until the backup lights came on and they figured out how to get the guitars playing also. I remember thinking to myself, "see people? that isnt what it's about..."


I'll add more experiences later. I have some cool ones. So... stay tuned, folks!

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Let me ask something...When you have the person you truley love your soul mate why do people go and cheat?? They really dont love that person enough then if they have to go and cheat?????


They feel trapped in a situation they are unsatisfied in. They are not then your true "soulmate" if such a thing does exist

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Things like cheating or divorce is what makes people not believe in soulmates. If this happens then they weren't true soulmates, the people were so wrapped up in their feelings that they thought that was the case when it wasn't. Because of things like this people become bitter and give up on the idea of finding their soulmate. But they still exist, and when they find each other then something like cheating won't occur.

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