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Confidence, and a question...

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You hear it all the time "A woman likes a man with confidence".


Well I happen to be having to have a hard time showing this confidence they want. I get shot down no matter how much confidence I show.(No I am not falsly showing confidence either) They all end up going out with Jerks instead. What is it that these idiots have that women want?


So my question is, woiuld any girl out there like to go out with a guy who will never cheat (I don't have it in my heart), care for you forever, who will always have your heart on his mind. And just maybe I will get that confidence that girls want in the end. I want a girl that will place no expectations on me, who will except me for who I am in everyway and a Cancer would be nice...but not neccesary

(PM please) Just want ta talk.....ya never know


I really hate being alone, I though I met the girl for me, she was everything I ever wanted in a person, I thought I could trust the feelings I had because they were so strong and I never had feelings that strong. And no it is not too early to go out with someone else...please noone mention that because I know its not true

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well it is true they go for "pricks" and the reason for that i think is a power thing women love power also maybe ur takein it to fast u know get to know them be friends and just hang out then after they know u then go for it i have been here and i realized i just have to take it slow and u know any good girl that gets to know u and loves u for who u are and arent for a power trip then a relationship may occur but dont push the ladies just take it slow

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Whats up dude, aren't you bein' too confident over the past date? You have to be confident thats completely true, but never too much. It's like you have to talk about yourself in a date but not only you. Im not the expert, but just be relax and be confident about what you are sayin and actin' that's the more important.


Stay calm, smile, you seemed to be a wonderfull boy/man, just give you a little time.


advice for a dude from a dude ;P


Jeff l. Spiegel

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