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Yes I believe in Karma. My 1st husband ran up a bunch of debt in my name, among the gazillion other things he did. Well my annual child support ends up roughly being the amount he practically stole from me. When he complains about paying it I mention that it's just karma in it's purest form.

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you got that right...a few weeks after my ex dumped me for the first time (yes i was stupid n took him back n he did it AGAIN) his car got backed into while it was sitting in a parkinglot and then some accidents and things happened soon after...honey living well is the best revenge...be on ur own and live it up and trust me they WILL hear about ur good life...they always do.

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i believe in Karma, unfortunately it isnt always heard, especially about our exes.


I guess just believing is enough for me.


I have one story, not mine. A friend had a double wedding, his wife and her sister. So a few years pass the sister and husband have two children, one day he comes home and tells his wife he wants a divorce, he met his soulmate. He breaks up his family for his soulmate, and within a year his soulmate dumps him. How is that for Karma????

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i think karma happens, i just think that we're not in their lives when it does.


i know a friend of mine was dating this guy she was madly in love with for 3 years. he went on tour, met this girl in sf, and before the guys even came from the girl had moved down here and into his APARTMENT! he broke up with his girlfriend a week later. about after a year of dating this new girl - who everyone suspected of using him and still having a guy in sf (which we now know she did) - she ended up leaving him suddenly after saving up a year's worth of rent cause she didn't have to pay while she lived with him, and found another guy who could offer more than him. she just used him as a stepping stone. he was semi-famous but not rich (used to be at one time) and the next guy she met helped her even more - to the point where we saw her presenting at one of these awards. it was pretty funny. he was miserable. she hurt him so much by her actions. and you know...he got his.

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Ok, we're doing good. Got a couple more posts here. But I'm sorry, it's just good enough. I need more. Do you need a cheer? Ok, you asked for it. A cheer it is.


Gimme a K! Gimme an A! Gimme an....R! Gimme an M! Gimme an A! WHAT DOES THAT SPELL EVERYBODY!? KARMA! YAAAAAAY!!!! WOOOO! a back flip Now give me more stories.

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I know I believe in Karma. It hasnt quite happened to my ex but I know it will. And she believes its true (karma) as well. She just broke up with me for this guy, telling me she doesnt love me and isnt attracted to me. This guy is drastically older than her and a Campus (college) Police officer. (They're at times some of the most controlling people). I hope it has karma.


But on to the story.


I knew a guy who was dating this girl. Well they had been dating about a year when he moved in with some friends. His girlfriend starts coming over all the time, until she starts coming over when he isnt around. Apparently she had started to have an affair with his best friend. She dumped him and then a month later ends up pregnant. She quickly arranges for a marriage. After six months (shes six months along) the guy wants out of the marriage and surprise surprise trys to say the kid isnt his. They split until the kid is born and she gets a paternal test done. Yeah that kid is his not my friends kid alright. And they're still split.

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Tonight I asked my mom if she believed in Karma. She said that if they don't get what's coming to them in this life they will after this life. I was like, "Mom, "Bob" isn't going to go to hell for what he did to me." lol Then she said, "He could. When "thou shalt not kill" was said, it wasn't just speaking of taking someone's actual life. What he did to you killed you in a different way." I see the point but I still think it's a bit much. But hey! It sure makes me feel better. So the next time you find your self hoping that your evil ex gets theirs, just remember they'll go to hell for it.

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I don't think there is karma. everyone likes to think that the man who left them will end up fat, poor, and bald, and the women who left them will end up fat, poor, and married toa fat poor bald man. Nope. Sometime theman who dumped you finds a beuatiful caring woman and lives comfortabley, bald fat and poor, until he dies. Sometimes the woman who dumped you remains as beautiful as ever, finds another, and turns out fine. Being beautiful and happy i sno different than being bald and happy. Being left and miserable creates no energy in the universe. We've got our stories, sure, wherein someone who hurt us gets what they've got coming. But we've also got a lot of stories aboutsomeone who hurts us and disappears into a pleasing life that is entirely alien to us. It is something you've got to learn to live with. Karma implies a moral to the story, which is why hell is so appealing ot the wronged. Sometimes there is no hell, there is no moral, and we are all equally winner and losers. It is simply a bunch of stuff that happened.


"it wasn't just speaking of taking someone's actual life. What he did to you killed you in a different way." I see the point but I still think it's a bit much. But hey! It sure makes me feel better. So the next time you find your self hoping that your evil ex gets theirs, just remember they'll go to hell for it"


Empahty, have you got an Italian mother? My mother says stuff like this all the time, and god bless her, it's all thatkeeps her going sometimes. She is extraordinarily kind, and despite this, has lost children, been abused by a drunken mother, and cheated by a lying sister, and ignored by an aloof brother. My mother says this kind of stuff because she can't for the life of her bring herself to be unkind to anyone, no matter how badly they deserve it. She is a saint, and I love her to death. But like all martyrs, she is redeemed by a justice she can never be sure of, and certainly never witness.

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yeah i dont necessary think along the lines of being dumped in a relationship that bad Karma would arise, i am more convinced about how a person treat s others as well as themselves.


Im learning now that our thoughts do create our reality.... believing is seeing and not seeing is believing.....


Universal laws do have an affect on a persons life.... you reap what you sow... what you resist will persist.


Their are no shortcuts in life, call it Karma, universal law, Gods will, eventually everyone has to face up to themselves, in order to be peaceful within...

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Thanks Mike, Brando! I like that science can be brought into this. And no, my mother is not Italian but she is Catholic and nice to everyone. Brando, you're right, dumping a person does not justify bad karma. I was talking about the exes that treated us badly in the relationship and continued to add insult to injury, kicking us when we're down by still treating us as if we're less than human. For instance, my ex told me that it was my fault that I was raped. To a degree it was my fault. I did put myself in the position but I still didn't deserve it and no girl should be told it was her fault. No one wants to endure something as vile as rape and then be told it's her fault. He knows what this break up is doing to me. He knows how much the pain is killing me and he had the audacity to tell me that something like that was my fault. He also told me that he was glad he wasn't with me anymore. And on top of that I'm going through the worst fear of my life. Having to wait to find out if this incident could have given me something like HIV. Even knowing all that I'm going through he still couldn't at least pretend to care. This is why I want so much to believe in Karma. What he did to me was overkill. Like whipping someone within an inch of their lives and then putting salt in the wounds. It's people like him that should get what's coming to them. All I ever did was love him and he knows that. He treated me like crap. And now he's with someone that he's happy with. And I'm in pain over my loss of him, in fear for my life, I've lost all of my friends and I'm having to deal with one STD that I did acquire from this rape. It's a rare STD and that only reinforces my fears of possibly having HIV. So, now you see why I have to put my faith in Karma. At this point it seems to have back fired. He broke my heart and I'm the one whose in a living hell. But I still have to believe so that I can get through the day.

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empathy i had no idea it was that serious. im so sorry you ever had to endure such an experience. i feel as though i should never complain about any of my small problems again. stay strong...you seem stronger than i could ever be...but life does go one and you are so wise for seeing that and being able to believe it. we're all here for you....xoxo

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Thank you, bittersweet. Reading your post made me shed a couple of tears. Partly because I appreciate what you said and partly because I feel that I'm really not strong. This whole thing is eating me up inside. I can't do anything but read. I'm either trapped in another world that my books create or I'm online reading up on HIV/AIDS. I've read 6 books in the past 5 weeks and I'm already half way through my 7th which I started reading last night. If I run out of books I might come close to killing myself. Because I'll just be trapped in this house alone with no world to escape to save for my dreams. The reason why I don't have friends anymore is because the person who raped me was someone I considered to be a friend. And my best friend doesn't really want to hang around me b/c all I ever talk about is how I'm probably infected with HIV or how much pain I'm in b/c of the break up. So, I have nowhere to go and no one to hang out with. I'm so afraid that I'm going to break. I'm all alone in this and I feel as if I'm waiting for something to come take the pain away. I just want someone to save me b/c I don't know if I can save myself right now.


And I want you to remember one thing. No problem is really small. What may seem like a big problem to you may seem like nothing to others. But what others think does not matter. What only matters is how the obstacles in your life affect YOU. Whether they're big or small is of no consequence. For instance, my ex tried to tell me that I shouldn't be worried about HIV. He also implied that since we'd been broken up for 3 months that I should be over it. It hurts me that he thinks my pain is just another grain of sand on this big Earth. But I won't listen to him. I know that what I'm going through is damaging. I know this because of how it has affected me and that's all that matters. Your problems will never be small to me.

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hi empathy....i completely understand everything you are saying...i just realized i am your age and can probably relate to you pretty well even though we havent experienced the same things. i will be here everyday if you need me to be and if you talk about things u need to talk about for a year straight, i will listen. this site gave me a completely new meaning and outlook on life and now i realize i really do enjoy being there for others, especially because there ARE people willing to listen who are concerned. its funny where you find comfort sometimes...and pretty rewarding too. if you wana talk in IM sometime just let me know. do you stay up some nights lookin for someone to talk to? i definitely do so u know i'll be here almost all the time. if youre even willing to talk tonight we can. im here...we all are here.

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