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Why cant i get a girl?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Ok, so, im 15 and going into my 2nd year of high school. Im alittle big, but not to much. Anyways, i keep wanting to know, why the hell cant i get a girl. It just pisses me off, i just dont what to do. Most girls say that im way more resonsible than my friends, and girls love my hair, its blond and soft. But anyways, i dont have a girl. Can anyone help me about this b/s. Anyways, i have a story bout me at the bottom, about me at a concert and a girl i like was there ok..........


BTW, the girl below, i love her, i want to merry her. I like girls for there personnality and everything.


So, i was at a concert, BFD, any ways, my friend and i went to it. So, no bands were playing for a while. So we see a girl from a school, and it is the one i have a crush. So she talks to me and my friend, but mainly me. She goes to sit with her sister then comes back. She bend over RIGHT in FRONT of me, letting me see her goods. Then sits next to me. So at a concert, she gets some weed and we hit that. Then me and her are just staring at each other. I was about to kiss her..................

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Hey man, don't fret it, u will get a gf in time.. The reason why u aren't getting a gf is because of the way u act. It doesnt matter if u are fat, skinny, ugly, beautiful, whatever I have seen many gorgeous girls going out with the most dumbest, ugliest people, which still amazes me sometimes, but we know we can cross that out, so u definitely have got a lag in ur personality that seems to be turning girls away. Maybe u need to be more self-confident, girls always need a man with confidence, someone who knows what he wants and is never too afraid to talk about it. Act natural, don't lie, be funny, sometimes its good to be a little cynical, joke about the girl u like until she gets to the brink of getting mad and then make it up, say u were kidding and that she is beautiful or whatever. Yes u have to play the charmer, a good set of words can make things worse, but they can also change everything for u, she may just fall at your feet. Look its all happened before and to tell u the truth I had my first gf when I was 16, so don't worry, u will have ur chance, in fact its almost positively sure that u would even get a gf once in ur life, even if u did absolutely nothing for it. So don't think of killing urself never do that.. Man, women are not worth the pain an suffering, they know exactly how we feel and that sometimes we are feeling down and what do they do most of the time, they just look and pass u by. Have fun, be yourself, don't seem available to any girl u like, act as if u have a life of your own, cause if u dont u may seem desparate and thats a turn-off.. I am sure u will get it right, there are many sites and articles that can help u on ur hunt for a girl! I wish u the best of luck man and don't give it up, it will come sooner or later.

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cool, you're just like me!



girls do actually quite like me. i'm 15, and girls do like me (but not quite enough to show me their panties- although one girl did drop her panties in my schoolbag. quite whom, i don't know to this day) they like my hair and the ruggedness of my beard, or they say they do. they like my boyish charms, and my craziness. but the girls who say and make me believe they like me, i'm not interested in.



there's this one girl i do think i'm in love with. not a crush. real love.



i love her for her personality and only recently i realised how nice she looked.




well, you and i have the same problem.



people generally dislike me for being so smart, for loving anime so damn much, they think i'm a pervert for liking hentai.



but girls do like me, only they don't wanna be with me.






i don't think it's anytihng to do with your outward appearance. if you notice, a lot of the times you see a couple on TV, there's a big, lardy, sorta good-looking man and his tiny bijou nice wife- on the fresh prince of bel-air, uncle phil and vivian, homer and marge simpson, and how about on the king of queens?


i'm large, but not repulsive. my dad's large, my mother's no less attracted to him.







girls will learn to like you in time.














nice story, by the way. i envy you, i really do,.

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Thnx for all your replys. Now about the personnality thing. I DON'T care what my hair looks like, i really dont care about my looks except pimples or a pair of cloths. I DO care how i smell, be it bad or good and all the stuff related to that. Overall, most people safe im very mature and i have a great personnality. I get along with girls great. I can start a conversation very easily. And over this summer, cause i will have nothing to do, il just work out. Any other comment are surely welcomed..

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First of all, I gotta agree with DocZ's post. You can't get a girl because you act like a dork, man! Mature, huh? What kind of mature guy has a footnote that says, "until I get a girlfriend I'm gonna honestly consider killing myself?"


What kind of mature guy says that he's in love with some girl and is going to marry her just because she shows him her panties and takes a hit with him? None that I know.


Why don't you just try being yourself. Regardless of how fat, ugly, stupid, or whatever, you are, girls only want to be with a guy who is REAL. Not some poser wanna be intellectual.

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  • 2 months later...

hey im 18 i cant get a girl u bearly started high school u got a long time to get a girl i graduated and all and let me tell u right now itheres never a reason to kill ur self never so wut u cant get a girl if u kill ur self how u gana know if u get a girl in ur future come on u can do this many people done it i havent f!@#T any girl but im living my life because i want to see how my life is gna become i may get a girl in the future well more like i will because im not willing to give ur killing ur self is taking the cowards way out yust keet at ur life and ull do fine nevr put ur self down because it becomes worse live ur life to the fullest ull make it.

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