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Reverse Body Language

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Could Nervousness or shyness effect the body language.For example. When she looks to u and make eye contact means that she likes you, but when she is nervous around u and shy i dont think she will make any eyecontact. At least for me, i dont do eye contact with the girl i love And alot more. I think these body language signs are a little bit confusing ..


Am i right ?

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If she's shy she might not even look at you. Some girls don't even bother because some girls feel like they don't even have chance with the guy they like.


Bodylanguage only works if the person isn't real real shy. Some girls dont even bother looking over at the guy. Liek me, I gave up.


I just let the guy come to me if he's interested. When he comes to talk to me, thats when I make "body language". It's a waste of time to make up things in your head just because the female/male looked at you. It's hard to tell if a guy or girl likes you and thats plain and simple. If you want to improve your body language get laid a few times that way the guys thing starts thinking for him instead of his heart and the girls whole life gets crushed.


Im depressed about a guy who used the "eye contact, sweet talk, good looks, and great personality" On me. It hurt like no other pain when i found out I was nothing to him eccept a bootycall.


Watch out girls, Guys are slime balls sometimes

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well yeah exactly, these body language stuff apply mostly on perfect situations for ppl whho are not shy. It needs alot of conditions to see this signs. Here is another important question : When a girl knows that someone love her and she dont love him, Would she try to get away from him and act negatively towards him to say that she dont want him..


Becasue i think the girl i love, must have known by now that i like her, and she laughts with me, talks noramally and even get her tongue out for me (teasing me ) anyways what i mean that when the girl knows that u love her, her behaviour changes towards u .. If she is interested her behaviour will be mostly positive and if not she will try not to laught with u, not to have fun with u, not to smile. But she wont act normally.. What is uur opinion ?

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yea you are right, I have noticed a lot of girls are shy and give the shy body language signals like looking away, fidgeting etc. only the hot/confident ones give the tradtional 'buying signals'.


some will make eye contact from a distace (say accross the room) but get really scared to look when you are near.

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