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Get her to want to try new things!

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Hey me and my gf have just started having sex. Im just wondering, i know she is capable and unshy of doing things but how do i go about making her curious and trying new sexual things with me, like experimenting. She wont give head,,, yet i think she is just not ready... but otherwise im just curious how to get a lil more intimate. What are your thoughts?

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I have always found that if a man makes a verbal suggestion in bed, very sweetly, I will generally comply. So when you and her are being intimate, make a suggestion like, "It would really feel good if you (fill in the blank)." If she says, no, then be just as sweet, and say, "No baby, I don't want you to do anything you are not ready for." She will respect you more and may someday surprise you by initiating it on her own, when she is ready. If nothing come out of your initial request, at least she will know what you like for future reference. Good luck!

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