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It's very stupid and I agree 100% with DN's point.



Look, she probably already knows you like her anyhow, she's going to stay with her bf and flirt and give you all the good signs but you know what? Nothing will happen. So just forget about her.


(This is a very common situation with most guys.)



Once a girl you like knows you like her, they don't have to worry anymore, they play hard to get, and just sit there, because they KNOW your going to stay hooked lol.

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Yes, you can be friends but you can't try for anything more. That will only cause problems and lead to heartache. If you really like her you will want what is best for her, even if that means she isn't with you. Respect what she has now and be her friend. Anything is possible in the future should they break up, but don't expect anything and don't try to force it.

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I know you all said that i should back away but i cant stop thinking of her i wait for her 2 come on msn or when im hanging with buddies and we go 2 a party i hope shes there her relationship with this guy isnt really serious all her friends say i just cant stop thinking of her i try to get it outta my mind but it just wont work grrrrr it angers me

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dun say im encouraging you cause i already regret losing my gf for someone's gf. Yes, i am in the same situation as you. I took someone's gf from them. Remember, if they are in love, the guy that u steal from will be very sad and if he is aggressive enuf, u'll get ur azz owned. Unless u got backz.


Alrite well, HERE's What i did.


I talked to the girl constantly. Being flirty and sweet. I would act sad and depressed so she would care bout me. I would then sneak a hug for a split second. Then turn around and say thanks. After a while, she'll lose feeling for her boyfriend because of ur influencing. Then just start saying things lyk, I miss you and sweet things like that. Eventually she'll become undecisive and that's when u make ur big move. Just hold her and make her feel loved by you more.



I cheated my ex this way...I really regret it now. But you asked how and i gave u my 2cents. Dun be mean and steal her unless her bf is a real az$h0L3

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I got mad backz dont gotta worry about that but yea alot of her friends i was talking 2 said that the guy is only wanting sex from her but shes looking for a relationship and thats what i want and the guy doesnt want a relationship ive heard many different opinions from alot of people and i just am really confused

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Don't do it man, please don't, how would u feel if that happened to you? Who cares if you think it's not too serious, they are in a relationship, and that's serious enough to have you back off. I know what it's like to want it badly, but let it go, there are plently of other fish in the sea

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Ok, if its true that the guy is only wanting sex from her, then she is going to be hurt when she realizes this. You trying to move in may make it seem like your trying to take advantage of her in a weak state and at an unsure time. If you really care about her, and it seems like you do, you will give her space. Be her friend and help her in this situation she's in. Be there for her but as a friend. Hopefully she'll see what a nice, special guy you are and start hinting at a relationship with you. If not, you can tell her how you feel once she is over this guy and sees what a dirtbag he is (can I call him that here?) But don't try to steal her away or pressure her into anything. Sometimes, when you really love someone, you have to let them go and hope everything works out for the best.

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Well i took everyones advice and stayed friends with her and what do i find out today that they broke up i think this points to all good signs should i move in or give her some room? and if i move in what should i say


I think u should give her sum time, a break up is never easy. But then again this might be your chance. If she looks like she is depressed because of the break up then give it about a week or two if shes not then go for it.

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