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How do I ask her???????

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At the end of the conversation (usually a minute, 30 seconds or 2 minutes long AT MAXIMUM!!!!) say "Alright well, if your open you want to go out for coffee [or some other ****] this week(end)?" then smile, it's probably good to let that nervousness off with a smile anyhow.


It's actually VERY simple to do this. It takes no effort.


Then before you do this make sure you have your # on a piece of paper that says "Call me" below the #. And just hand that to her if she says yeah. It's a good move lol.

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Exactly Metallica, they aren't even together yet.. he just likes her, and he "thinks" she likes him as well.


If you are thinking about asking her out as a girlfriend, it's way too soon.. take eilia's advice too, and go on a few dates first.

And to do this.. if she's in any of your classes, start up a conversation with her about that.. or just talk to her normally, if you usually have conversations through the day. Then just say do you want to go see a movie sometime, and if she gives you an awkward look, say "just as frineds" but chances are this wont happen. But, dont try to go out to a fancy restaurant at first... just take it easy, bowling, movie, something like that. Also, you could invite some of your friends, and her friends too.. just to make it a group date, and less awkward.

Hope this helps.

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