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I hurted my girlfriend, how can I ask for forgiveness, what else can I do ?


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So i decided to not come back today as i previously thought and just give her one more day without me, I think ill start with some small things that would make her happy and showed her that i care and obviously that i want to change for me and to save whats left from us, and rebuild it. I will need to start a conversation some day next week or maybe in next 2 weeks and I will see If there is any chance still for me. I know that even when I would have to move out I will still fight for her, of course with respect and while not being Too annoying. I know i will becouse my heart bigger than my body and I am a human who made a mistake, but i know i can still make her feel safe around me if she opens up.


Seriously, your impatience and neediness is all about you, not at all about her.


You need a LOT more time and fixing of yourself before ANY of what you propose to do will prove a darn thing to her, to anyone about how safe you are to be around and whether or not you do not drink booze anymore.


Please back off from this plan.

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