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Confused as heck!


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So myself a (36 male) had been with a girl (female 25) for about a year and a half. We met online and have visited each other and we were very much into each other it was pretty crazy. She has had a past of abusive boyfriends and the such so she could hardly beilieve she found a guy such as me. Ive been around the block and im a pretty good lover. xD


Anyways fast foward to a couple weeks ago and she went to visit her family for a week. I guess her dad was drilling her pretty hard and was prying into her personal life. I guess he didnt approve of me and sent her into a serious depression. With that said she came back and basically has told me that she is unsure if she sees a relationship with me for the future. She tells me shes so lost and she hates herself right now and this is so hard on her because she really does love me and has lots of feelings for me. She thinks that she shouldnt be in a relationship at all right now and she needs to work on herself because she doesnt know where life is taking her. Shes so scared about everything that is being thrown at her. She does suffer from depression and I have known about since the beginning.


She says she doesnt want to lose me forever and that I should be her friend because i usually dont stay firiends with exes to help myself move on and she knows that. I told her I wouldnt abandon her and I would be there for support if she needed. Man do I love this girl and i dont want to abandon her but man is it hard. We saw each other in a game we play the other night and she was inviting me to join her so I did and things went well enough, but I had left for a little while and she asked where I went and why i was in a private world. She then also sent a single text saying "I caaaant". I cant help that she missing the crap outa me and i just dont know what to do as this situation is new to me. All in all I just want whats best for her but I cant lie that id love to have her back and maybe I should just be here for her when she needs.

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How often did you visit each other? Is she from a different culture, country or religion? Are either you or her scheduled for an arranged marriage? There is not much you can do if either of you are from a culture that traditionally includes parental approval of potential gfs or bfs.


Alternatively she met someone locally or when she went home and is fobbing it off 'dad doesn't approve', "let's stay friends", etc to let you down easy.

We met online and have visited each other. a couple weeks ago and she went to visit her family for a week. her dad didnt approve of me . basically has told me that she is unsure if she sees a relationship with me for the future.
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No different cultures her dad just seems super over protective. Weve seen each other once due to her finishing masters. She was about to visit me again until this came about. Also she assured me she was being very honest with what she told me.

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