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How to keep a relationship new

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It seems you are an imfatuation junkie. There is a real, almost drug-like thrill in the first stages of a relationship, and yes, it disappears after a time(usually two or so years). If the guy you're with is worth it, you should ask yourself if you want to be a part of his life, if you're genuinely curious about how his life will unfold and if you want to be around while it does. I hate hearing it as much as saying it, but the real rewards and magic within a relationship take time and sometimes work before they reveal themselves. Good Luck.

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No relationship stays in the butterfly stage... Love is whats left when all that is gone.... If you don't feel a strong enough connection to be content with your partners after the butterflies are gone than I don't think you've ever been in love... There's nothing wrong with that it just means your not ready to commit or haven't found that right person....

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honestly i think if you feel like it gets too boring it just means they're not the one. ofcoures there are ways to keep the relationsihp interesting. whether its being romantic or being creative regarding sex. but on the whole my idea of love is after awhile when those intiail feeligns of pure infactuation (which we often mistaken for love) somewhat go away and we still want to be with that person and enjoy their company. that we can comfortable without feeling bored. to now know they have flaws (because in the beginning we are so blinded we think that person is perfection) and accept them. you're still young and theres no need to feel as if you must feel this way. it will just happen with the right guy. this is TRUE LOVE. best of luck and dont stress it. as i said there are ways to keep it fresh but as far as this being a personality problem for you its because you're still young and this is normal. thats why you dont hear about many relationshipos that began in high school lasting. it does take knowing youreslf ocmpletely before you can give yourself to someone else. so just go with the flow dont feel like you need to force anything. time will tell you everything you need to know.

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