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I am hoping someone could help me. I have heard when you dream of a death a baby will be born.

I have had many strange dreams lately, for example...one night last week I dreamed a man I had never seen before (named Virgil) was murdered. He lived in a house with a well off man and his family. The wife of the home owner turned out to be the killer and she tried to kill her husband and young stepson.

Then 2 nights later I dreamed my dad hired someone to kill him because he wanted to committ suicide. My dad had it all planned out, he told my sister and I, he left money for us to be able to live somewhere's else and even picked where he wanted the guy to put his body. In both of these dreams I was trying to stop these things from happening ( except for Virgil because i did not know he was going o be murdered).

I called my dad and told him of my dream about him, but he said that would never happened.

Are our dreams just stories our minds make up? Do they mean something? Does anyone know? These dreams are starting to worry me so any help would be appreciated.



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Not a dream expert here either...but I had one dream that shook me up for the entire morning wondering what people actually go through when your own family gets murdered. That morning I remember my eyes were filled with tears waking up in fear but with a relief that it was only a dream.


But as far as I can remember, I don't know any incident or situation that would cause me to dream such thing. I don't read any books or watch movies that would haunt me something related to murder & death.


If it's not related then I'm not sure...dreams are weird things!

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The only thing new is I started back to school, but I am not worried about it, because I recently completed my previous schooling. I am now taking online classes and am actually do quite well. I do not have any fear of that. Other then that no I really do not have any changes in my life that are worrying me. Thank you for the idea though.Made me think



It is unnerving to dream such a thing. When you dream it it seems so real. I had to write my dream down, I was afraid it would drift from my memory like so many of my dreams. I can remember bits and pieces sometimes and sometimes I remember the whole thing, but alot of them I forget.

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Frued said that dreams are the entry way to our subconscious desires. I can't believe that you have desires to kill someone.


The newest theories are that dreams are just stories that your brain makes up to explain the anxieties that you are feeling in your body.


Do you have an unconscious desire to kill someone? I would leave these dreams to the stars.


Or write them up and try and sell them to the movie industry. They sound like the plots to movies, like The Grudge.

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No I do not desire to kill anyone in in these dreams I am actually try to help the people being killed.

I do not think dreams predict the future or that I am psychic, I have had some things that as most people seem to have happened before. Like you have been there.

As far as too much horror movies lmao no I don't get to do that lol My 5 y/o owns the TV lol. Unless Garfield or Nemo is making have weird dreams I do not think that is it. However I have recently started working on my Associates degree then will be starting on my BS in Criminal Justice in a couple of years. I have been trying to figure out which career path I want to do most..Criminal Analyst or Criminal Investigations. I want to do Criminal Invest. but I have to take forensic's and it is not offered. Plus I should have gotten My Associates in Science instead of Business which was all the school has at the time. maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe my mind is trying to sort out if I want to help people by finding out "who did it" or help by trying to prevent it from happening in the first place. Who knows.

Thank you to everyone responding. All insights are very helpful.



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I'm not a dream expert either, but I really enjoy looking at dream theorists.

Fritz Perls thought that dreams were an extension of you. Each aspect of your dream is supposed to be some sort of conflict that you're working out inside your head. I think in this circumstance he would break down the people in your dream and wonder if perhaps you feel like Virgil.. betrayed or some sort of extension onto that. Or person murdering him (not that you want to murder someone) but frustration at someone in some way.. or you feel like you did in your dreams, desperate. I would apply the same sort of questions to the dream about your dad..


Dreaming about death can also mean change.. I know when I dream about death its like a subconscious alarm going off in my head that something big is in the works. I think everyone's got some sort of intuitive sense. If it doesn't come through when you're waking it's sure to come through when you're asleep. You said that you don't believe in that sort of thing though. hmm.


Sometimes dreams are also just.. random. Well, some people believe that.. I don't, but most people do. So maybe you dreaming about death isn't anything more than some random dream that's coming through to the surface.

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