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Hi everyone

I was just looking for some advice. My ex broke up with me 2 months ago after nearly 4 years together and we remained in contact till about a week ago. The reason i made the hard decision to not stay in contact with him was because each time we spoke he would tell me how hard it was for him and that there is so many things he wants to tell me but cant. He never and still hasnt given me a proper reason for the breakup. Just said that "you can love someone so much you cant handle being with them". I dont understand what this means atall and im hurting so much. We had an amazing realationship and only 2 days before he split up with me he asked what i would do if he asked to marry me. Im still so much in love with him and i have a small feeling that maybe he still thinks of me. Except he doesnt call or text and when we were in contact, it was always me having to take the initiative to text him first or pm him on msn. This was an extremely bad sign for me and i know that from this he may not feel the same way anymore.

He may still care but refuses to contact me. I dont understand this as he still keeps all our letters and sentimental things by his bed (he told me this) but yet he said its gotten too late to ever go back. I also tried seeing someone else for a while but it was only as a comfort to help me move on and realise that there are other people out there and im not unwanted. My ex thinks that we are together aswell and he is also been seeing someone but he told me it isnt the same with her and he wishes he could explain. Ive already told him that i love him and want him back but he dismisses the subject. Would you have any advice for me? I love my ex so much and i cant imagine living my life with anyone else. We were so happy together except for his jealousy but i want him to help me work through it with him like we did before. Why is it that everytime i mention it he tells me its too late and that we cant go back if he still keeps all our things, letters etc and tells me that he isnt happy moving on. I dont understand whats going on atall and cant help thinking that we are throwing away something amazing. One minute we were going to get engaged, the next i have nothing Do you think that no contact would maybe bring him back to me if he's still thinking of me and telling me he's confused or will it be a case of "out of sight, out of mind?"

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