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Oh my god im full of love this morning

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I know this is suppose to be a place for getting some advice but I do believe its good to have some come back. So i will be brief. OMFG I passed a wonderfull night yesterday, I went to a party got drunk and came back home, drinking some more beers while reading mails and postings some messaged and my dearest lizzy came to me we talked for about 3 hours then she went to sleep. i'm still awake cause of my feedback of drugs, people who know me will understand, but all this to say that was an incredible night and I have so much love... I wished you all a good morning here is 8:20 in the morning I didn't sleep yet I just watched the sunshine over my town... I may eat my breakfast then take a nap, I'll be back this afternoon. On this alot of kisses and hugz.


life has his days too




Jeff l. Spiegel

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