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I'll tell you what not to discuss ; prenups and finances. If you want to make a joke, print out some pages of anything you want at home and bring it with you in a folder and just put it on the table, while asking her, "so, did you bring your financial statements?"; that will probably make her laugh.

Generally, I think don't ask anything you have found / or can find on her on Google / dating profiles / other media. Work is usually a no-no because it can get boring 0 to 100 very quickly, so just start the thing off with something not serious, like look over here, that is such a cool car, or that is a cool outfit, etc.

Politics are bad, anything judgemental to anyone is bad. I'll give you a funny example, this wasn't on a date, but it could have led to a date, but it was over before it was started because I messed up in there.

I was talking to a friend of my dad's, and the topic of college / work came up, and he asked me where did I go. I told him I graduated from Penn, not Penn State, but the University of Pennsylvania. He said yeah, I know the difference, my daughter went to Penn State, not in the Ivy Leagues. Doh! I messed up lol .. So yeah, don't flex your academic or financial muscles, all that stuff is public info, if they wanted to know, they already googled you for it.

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