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still in contact after breakup

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one final question I would like to ask of you all, I have posted a few times concerning my breakup with my bf, we still see each other even though we have broken up. I care about him alot and right now I am spending a few days at his place. I guess my question is have any of you still stayed in contact with your ex? and if you did, did things work out for you?

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My girlfriend left England where I was at the time to go home to Canada. We still corresponded by letter and eventually she came back and we were married.


But don't let that give you false hope - I think it a rarity.


How is it going at his place?

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I could see you spending a few days with him either a really good thing, or a really bad thing. I'm not sure I see anything between these two extremes.


I have stayed in contact with my ex, but we are not back together as of today. I think you staying with him could either make or break things right now. I'm not sure why you would have to stay with him for days, but I could see one day and one night. Remember, how you make him feel is what will bring him back. How you feel about him has nothing to do with him wanting to come back. With that being said, make sure you make him feel good about being with you while you're with him.

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