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relationship help.. PLEASE!!

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Hey, I have been with my girlfriend for about 5 months now.. and it seems that our little problems are fading away slowly as time passes, which is awesome. This weekend she came to my cottage with my family and that went great.. we did some stuff after everyone went to sleep, which was nice.. because we havent fooled around in a while, so it was nice to know the spark was still there, if you know what I mean.

anywho.. I am just posting to ask a question about realtionships.. because sometimes (rarely) I have this feeling.. of jealousy.. but its not directed towars another guy.. for example... there's a parade that comes every year, and people always hang out afterwards.. its always on a weekend.. and I asked what she was doing that weekend.. and she said that this guy was having a party, with all of their friends. shes a year younger than me.. so im not friends with this particular guy, but im friends with a lot of my girlfriends friends too. Also, her grade doesnt have school tomorrow, but mine does.. and she said she might be going paintballing with some friends.. girls and boys.. so I got this little feeling again.. I guess it's the feeling of missing out.. or something, but she always talks about plans for us in the summer, and later in the year, so I know she wants to stay together for a long time.. and so do I, but why do I sometimes feel this way.. i guess it's just that Im jealous that she'll be off with other guys (and girls) having fun.. while im at school.. (in that situation) but then I remember how much she means to my family, and how much she likes my family.. so I know its a stupid feeling.. so what is it.. and what can I do to stop it.. is it nothing, and do I have nothing to worry about.. please relate to this if you can.. along with some advice.. thanks!

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When I was your age I was dating someone two years ahead of me, and he was always doing things I couldn't. I was jealous that I couldn't spend that time with him, instead I had to be in school. So everytime I had those thoughts I would just be like it's ok I will see him again. There is really no reason to be jealous.

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kskm is right, Misery, there's no need for jealousy. In relationships we all get that way at one point or another, but as long as you guys have full trust in each other, I highly doubt there's need for jealousy.

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Metallica- you know better then that. You should never have a guy "making sure your girl isn't cheatin" Because if your "reliable source"

"accidently" tells your girl that you have him watchin' out for her cheating she isn't gonna get pissed!! I would. Trust. Rather, tell a friend to make sure she's "ok", not "make sure she's not cheating". I don't know where your head is tonight- lol

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it's not that I dont trust her.. because I have so much trust in her.. mainly because of the reason that we have both put so much into the relationship, and my parents love her, and she's made an impact on all of this.. it's not like a one time thing.. so it's pretty big.. everything is great with us too.

I guess it's more of the feeling of missing out.. like she's out having fun, and it might be that another guy is making her laugh, that might be it.. but I would NEVER take that from her.. because girls make me laugh all the time.. and it's harmless, she has the right to look at whoever she wants, whenever, however she she wants, I wouldnt take that from her.. I know I am hers, and only hers.. and she's mine, and only mine.

We have too much to throw away, so its nothing big, just a little feeling I will get over.


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