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Pees on the floor?!

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This is a far cry from my usual posts...but here goes.


I have a friend of mine who consistently gets himself so hammered that he turns into a raging idiot.


Last night, I brought him to my neighbour's house party to meet a girl I thought he'd be interested in. We all had a few drinks, and by 3AM I went home and passed out.


The next morning (this morning), my girlfriend comes over and tells me that after I left, he got so drunk that he got up and pissed on the kitchen floor....the bathroom was right next to him.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this.


Not to mention the fact that he totally blew any chance with this girl I introduced him to, as she is a friend of my girlfriends. He also made a total jackazz of himself in front of all my buddies.


To top things off, he gets up and drives home on his motorbike after having way way too much to drink.


What the hell do you do about a friend like this? What was he thinking??

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Years ago we had a party at my house and my cousin stayed over, sharing a bedroom with my sister's boyfriend, call him Al, cos I can't remember his real name. My cousin got hammered and went to bed; getting up in the night he walked over and peed over the nightstand by Al's bed splashing his head in the process and ruining a set of encyclopedias under the nightstand.


The next morning I had an irate Welshman indignantly telling me he was not overly enthralled with my cousin. My cousin was suitably chastened and, for some reason, didn't stay for breakfast!!


We eventually figured out that he must have thought he was in his own bed - the position of the nightstand was approximately the same as the toilet at his house.


I still remember Al standing in my bedroom with his wet hair and scrubbed face barely able to speak - and how hard it was for me not to fall out of bed laughing.

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I have a good friend that used to do this all the time. My favorite time was when he hooked up with a friend of his roomates girlfriend. They were both compleatly poop-faced but managed to take their clothes off and she threw/left hers near his closet. Well he got up that night and peed all over the clothes on the floor of his closet, including hers, and then went back to bed. Needless to say that when she woke up that moring she was not happy. I think it was a great impression to make on a girl that you have only known for one night.

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My older brother did something like that once.


I would suggest ignoring him socially for a while, if he calls you for something, you may want to suggest that he get help for his little problem.


If everyone ignores the pink elephant in the room, it is gonna stay pink, it will not change its colors unless it gets help.

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Does this guy do it all the time or was this a one time thing?

If he's only done this once, then laugh it off. Everyone does stupid stuff. However, he drove drunk and that isn't cool. You may have to be the bigger friend here and not drink when you are with him---just to make sure he gets home safely--and doesn't kill people along the way. By the way, who are the people that let him drive home that way?


If he constantly gets drunk and does stupid things, then I'd say the guy can't control his drinking. You can blow him off, or sit him down and say hey, you have a drinking problem and something needs to be done about it. Maybe try to avoid doing things that involve a lot of drinking. Or maybe not drink too much yourself so you dont encourage him.


Just my two cents!

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