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I have met a soulmate, and...

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It's nothing like I thought a soulmate meeting would be. I have a deep love for this person that is truly rare. The things I know about him that would normally have me running for the hills don't alter my feelings for this man. He could do anything and I do mean anything, and yes it would or could be very hurtful, but the love I feel for him would still be there.


Logically I want to stay away from him, but my heart hurts as if it's breaking if I do or if he does me. I know it's the same way for him. He's been a mess when he thought I wasn't coming around anymore. We lift each other up, and we break each other down. His lifestyle is so very different from my own I really don't know if I could live in that manner. But living without him is just so emotionally painful I don't want to do it either.


I'm really afraid of being with him and of being without him. They say soulmate relationships are hard work. Yeah I can see it. We aren't even involved yet really and it's already causing a lot of heartache on both sides.


I'm not posting to get advice, more to inform others that soulmates are real. And to let others know its not going to be a happy ever thing. Who knows maybe it'll get there, but for now it's scary.

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It's scary to me because of the emotions involved. He gets to my core like no one else (aside from my kids). That is what scares me. It's a lack of control. I need to be in control of my emotions and with him it's a lot harder. I'll add that's on the negative side.


Generally when I'm around him I'm so happy I have a glow. I just radiate for days usually after seeing him just by thinking about him. I don't have it when when something happens that risks or upsets the connection, like it did yesterday.

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Hi Jetta,


I know EXACTLY the feeling.


I truly believe my Ex is my Soulmate... first time I ever saw him I instantly felt a connection... before I even met him (saw a picture of him) and we hit it off... and we are so much alike its scary.


We broke up because we both had the same problem with communication, and we made a mess out of things and the feelings are so great that even after a year there is still a connection... I know when I will see him, (he lives quite a distance away) and its just this weird feeling and it is painful without him still.


Its a hard feeling to explain... and sometimes you can't be with your soulmate due to circumstances... as for us it wasn't the right time.

Kind of sucks but thats the way it is.


And your right its not a happily ever after thing. I think its because the emotions involved are so intense... cause your so connected that you can feel each others pain and such...


anyways yeah Soulmates are real!

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What you describe is identical to my ex. Completely. I never knew I could love someone so intently that it would reach to the depths of my soul. It seems to be a rare thing since I have yet to come accross someone since and despite all the heartache-I still miss him.


I don't know why at times we have such crazy strong feelings for someone when the relationship in itself isn't good. I have come to the realization that-love just is. It doesn't have to be functional or healthy all the time to feel that depth. At the same time I don't believe in staying with someone when things are that unhealthy but it definitely leaves an amazing void that feels like it will never be filled.


It sucks but I'm so grateful I got to experience it.

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All relationships require work - to think otherwise is naive.

There is an ancient Chinese proverb, by Wu Li, "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."

You can replace enlightenment with 'finding your soulmate'.

Life goes on, every day life, I mean, after you find someone.

The problem, I believe with many relationships, is that people think they are a cure-all for everything. "Just find the right person", they think, "fall in love, and everything will sort itself out..."

The world just doesn't work like that - everyone wishes it could - but in this realm, we have to face the harsh tallies of the material and mundane.


Once you've found someone:

Never take them for granted; Never become complacent; Never give up hope - I believe these are the most important tenets.

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I'm very aware relationship require work. I'd much rather work on a relationship with someone I love deeply than someone I don't. I realize he and I would have a lot to work on and we're both old enough to realize that, it's just a question of it being possible. I'm not wording it exactly how I'm thinking but it's a question I've asked myself a lot.

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