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does she like me?

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ok here's the deal. I like this girl a lot and I think she might be interested in me too but im not sure. we are both pretty shy so that is prolly why i cant tell. Anyways, we go to the same highschool and she is a year younger than me. Our groups of friends had hung out a few times since last year but i never really thought about her. Then one time one of my best friends was hangin out with her and her friends and said that she asked where I was and said that she wanted to become friends with me. So naturally, I started paying attention to her a little in school and noticed that whenever I walked by her in the hallway she would stare at me. Then I talked to her as she was walking by once and she blushed and smiled. So after that i thought i was on to something and i started talkin to her more and would sit with her sometimes during break and what not. I asked her to junior prom and she said yes right away and seemed enthusiastic. The thing that makes me nto sure if she likes me is that when she walks by a lot of the times now she will pretend not to notice me and also our relationship hasnt really progressed since we started talking so i don't know. This could be because we still havent done anything together on the weekends since we started talking so that could ahve something to do with it. I just dont know.

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Try flirting with her and teasing her a little and see how she reacts. Maybe not THIS soon, though. You want to make her feel comfortable around you first. Normal conversation alone gets you to friendship (first step), but you need more if you want to be more. Ask her if she'd like to hang out on the weekend or something. Go putt putt golfing if the weather is nice or bowling. Don't make it a date, though. You don't want to pressure her. I'm shy too (but opening up), so I know how this feels.


I think she likes ya too, but you can't be sure unless you dive in (no pun intended). Good luck!


Oh, and blushing is usually a good sign.

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