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Friendship to relationship?

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I hang out with this girl just about every week. Ive known her for quite a few years now but only recently started hanging out with her. The place is always the same that we hang out at, a local club. When i first started going there with her I wasnt atracted to her, it was more something new to do with my week. Since the first night, ive gone there with her everytime she has gone. The more I hang out with her the more I am atracted to her. My question is, if I were to ask her 'out' and it was not in her best interest would the effect of the question be to great and burden the friendship. I love hanging out with her, and if she does not feel the same towards me I dont want to stop us from hagning out. Its kind of up in the air to me, because i like just hanging out with her I dont want to stop that and thus I have not moven forward with what i have been feeling. Also, its always a group of 3 of us (most of the time) the third is a girl I have known for a while but is the girl Im attracted to's best friend. Would it be a good idea to ask her about the situation, ie. ask if the girl likes me, or not a good call. Thank you.



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yeah, you can normally tell if a girls got the hots for you. if she goes out of her way to hang around with you or talk to you then she does. if you are not sure ask her friend like metallicAguy said. Girls always tell their friends this sort of thing - I do. I wouldn't worry about ruining your relationship, a couple of my friends (guys) have asked me out and I've turned them down and we are still great friends!

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