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Improving myself: Need help with weight-loss

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Hello everyone,


Ok, here's a thread that's written by me and it's about something else for a change. Well, my problem is that I've never been 100% happy with myself... I mean, I'm happy with myself in some aspects, not like before, when I used to despise myself. I still can't say I'm own my number 1 fan. And well, there's always been stuff I've wanted to improve about myself. For instance, I'm aware of the fact that I'm overweight. I can't say that I think about that 100% of the time, or that I just can't go on living like that, or that it makes me feel miserable, but it does suck... I'd also like to change the way I act around ppl too... I wish I could just be more "free", know what I mean? I mean, be 100% myself, like I am with my friends, and that way, if ppl wanna accept the real me, then go ahead, and if they don't, then screw them, and I'll know quicker who to not waste my time around of. It's like this friend of mine... She's kinda goofy and loud around her friends (including me, lol), and even when I'm the only one around, she acts just the same, not giving a crap whether ppl around us freak out, or think she's weird, or just think she's funny...


Well, I guess those things are things anybody would like to be able to improve about themselves (except ppl who already are who they wanna be, obviously...). And even though only 1 or 2 ppl will post in this thread besides me, I know there are 1000 of ppl out there who would like to improve themselves... I guess my question is: Where to start?


I've tried some things, but sometimes they just don't work... even after I'm supposed to see results (I'm talking several months, not just a couple of weeks...), I see no results, and so I lose motivation... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and best wishes.

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Ah, finally.


You can search for my self improvement threads, I made a bunch.


This is my formula for success: Know what you want, Learn how to get it, and go get it.


Apply it to your situation.


Youve got the right attitude bro, good luck. If you need help, feel free to PM me, I went through the transformation that you are talking about.

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Well, I sincerely don't know why this thread was moved on to "personal growth" when I emphasized that I wanna lose weight... Plus, "freeing" myself in order to be happy, I also consider "health". Anyway, losing weight is the one thing I can't do (don't take me wrong, I do believe I can do it, and that it's possible, I just need some tips, plz)... I think I've never lost a single pound in my whole life... I remember when I was a kid, I still wasn't fully grown, but I started to work out like crazy... like 3 hours a day at least. That was when I was like 14. And, well, I never lost a single pound even after almost 8 months... I maintained my same weight, though, and since I grew a little, I looked less fat... But, well, since I didn't lose a single pound, I lost motivation. Then, over last summer, I think I might've lost a couple of pounds, but it was almost not noticeable, and then I gained it again... I ran 45 minutes everyday for like 6 months and there were almost no results at all... again, I lost motivation. And now, I'm trapped and I dunno what to do... I've tried running again a couple of times, but I can't stick to it. I've got a ton of schoolwork to do (my schedule is unforgiving, and next year it'll be even worse, I know, despite the fact that I'm gonna be a senior, and it's supposed to be the best and easiest year...). So, well, I guess you could say I've got nothing to turn to... I mean, doing it myself has turned out to be unorganized, even though it would always work with my schedule. And I remember I took a martial arts class (which I didn't like very much, cause they didn't teach me anything about self-defense) and basketball, but I had schedule problems too, and I saw no results either... So, is it supposed to take like 20 years to lose 10 pounds? If it is, I'll just shut my mouth and do the running, even though it'll take 20 years...


I guess what I'm asking for is tips... Anything really... I dunno... there's gotta be something that can help me that is at least a little bit fun, and that can keep me motivated... It seems as though nothing works for me, cause I'm kinda impatient, and if I see no results after months and months have passed by, I just give up... I guess it also has to do with what I like... I'm not sure what that is... I like basketball, but that didn't work, I've always thought martial arts were interesting, as long as they teach you SELF DEFENSE. Plus, it's supposed to make you confident and blah blah. I dunno. Plz help if you can. Thanks and best wishes.

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Hey DeadEyes,


Although only vaguely related, I quit smoking like 5 weeks ago. Being an overly disciplined person, it hasn't been too difficult.


Like being overweight, smoking puts a BIG strain on your condition. I started smoking because I felt depressed (yeah, I still don't see why I thought that smoking would make me feel any better, in fact it just made things worse AND I smelled bad and all). I started to swim competition last year, but didn't quit.


Now that I stopped, I train much more and I feel so much better. I can feel my lungs growing, my heart slowing down so much faster after a sprint, I can run for an hour without really exhausting myself.


What I am saying is that the thing that motivates you can be the thing that changes the MOST when you lose some weight. Weightloss is best when it's gradual, so you will have to be a bit patient. However, if you start practising martial arts, maybe in a few weeks you can improve your health by a weekly run in addition?


After a few months you might need smaller cloths, which is a very rewarding feeling I'd imagine.


Ah, and SWIMMING is a really great way of losing weight AND working out. It's relaxing as well... I think it's the best both mentally and physically, but I have to admit that's personal.


Good luck and keep your head up!



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...Ah, and SWIMMING is a really great way of losing weight AND working out...


I realize swimming is aerobic, but I didn't know you could lose weight from swimming. I knew you could get more in shape by improving your resperatory and circulatory system, but I've been told that you can lose weight when you swim (as a workout mechanism). I may be wrong though (or the one that told me was wrong).

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Well, I'd go with the martial arts thingy if I could find an interesting martial art (one that actually teaches you self defense... I've always been particularly interesting in boxing, even though I don't wanna be a boxer...) in my area... I try to go to the gym as often as I can. I lift a little, run a little and play a little basketball. But I feel I need to push myself further and, you know what I mean? But the only think I see I could do is run, but I got bored of that (kinda lost motivation...). I dunno where to search anymore (i've tried the net, the yellow pages... nothing). Any tips on that would be great.

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Exercise helps you lose weight, but I think diet plays an even bigger role.


What is your diet like?

Do you eat a lot of fattening foods? If so limit your intake on those. Are you familiar with the FoodPyramid--do you get the recommended amounts of vegetables&fruits, grains, etc. a day or are you a lopsided eater where you eat only one food group--ex. a lot of bread?

Or perhaps you are eating healthy foods, but the problem may be that your portions are too large. So try to cut down on your portions a little.

You could make a food diary and record all the foods you eat, at what time of the day, etc. to see what your eating patterns are like. For example, you may notice that you usually snack after dinner while watching TV when you are not really hungry...a solution could be to chew gum or something to keep your mouth occupied.


Personally I started running again about 6 weeks ago (for 30min each time). At first I did not lose any weight, yet the majority of the time I was eating healthy food. It wasn't until I started cutting down on my portion sizes and also not eating after dinner that I started to lose a little bit of weight. So far I have lost 3-4lbs.

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start with discipline

not a tough diet,simply a controlled eating

and go with sport,not only for losing weight but

to feel better

jogging it's a good poit to start

when u are trained the more u run the more u feel better

it also helps to de-stress

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Thanks for your advice. I understand exactly what you guys are saying. And well, I do admit I've been waayy more disciplined in the past, when it came to eating habits... I guess I could always reduce the portions a little... I'll try to start the jogging too... And see if I can find something else that can help me improve my health and is fun and/or interesting as well. I'll keep you updated if you want me to. Thanks and best wishes.

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