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My life is terrible - I'm in my late twenties and live with my parents, go to a community college and just lost my job at a convienience store and have a negative balance in my bank account.

My boyfriend -lives in Chicago, two thousand miles away, went to Princeton and has a fabulous job and life. We got invoved when I was visiting friends out there and have been going out for over a year.

How long is this realistically going to last?? Puh-leeze.

When we break up I'll feel even more terrble. I'm trying not to think this way but everything in my life always goes wrong- I'm scared to even hope that anything good could ever happen to me.

My life has always been crap and nothing I do seems to change that.

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I'm really sorry to hear that, a woman who can expressed herself like that must be in good condition(healthy I mean). Well, I read an re-read your text at least 4 times and if I understand you believed that you didn't achieved anything good in life? It's pretty hard to compare ourself to someone WE THINK better. I may be off track completely but clarify myself cause I need answers to understand you.


Jeff l. Spiegel



Just re-write what makes you feel that way !!! And what's that worst about your life ma'am.

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You life my seem terrible now. But really it is not all that bad! It will get better. Just always remember...it may seem bad now...but there is always someone who is worse of then you. And Relax...if you guys have lasted this long for a long distance relationship you will keep strong. And really the only one who will break it off with you...if you keep thinking negatively. And my the way...most people these days live with their parents until early 30s b/c the wage does not match the increase in the cost of living. Nothing to be ashamed about. Just realize everything is a learnin experience. Take this as one!


And yes good will happen just you wait!


here's a little poem to put this into perspective for you!


To realize the value of ten years:

Ask a newly divorced couple.


To realize the value of four years:

Ask a graduate.


To realize the value of one year:

Ask a student who has failed a final exam.


To realize the value of nine months:

Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.


To realize the value of one month:

Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.


To realize the value of one week:

Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.


To realize the value of one hour:

Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.


To realize the value of one minute:

Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.


To realize the value of one-second:

Ask a person who has survived an accident.


To realize the value of one millisecond:

Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics


To realize the value of a child or a friend:

Lose one.


Good luck and please take care of you and look on the bright side!

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I just feel so worthless. I don't know how to maintain this realtionship when I don't feel deserving of any love. I know that my attitude is hurting our relationship. I don't know what he sees in me and I'm so ashamed of myself and my life. His stock is shooting up, so to speak, and I'm just running circles and going nowhere. I don't know what I want any one ot say to me; I'm just trying to get it out I guess. I don't know how to act, think, be because I'm so confused and feel so badly right now.

So many bad things have been hapening to me that I feel crushed. I was in an abusive relationship with an alcoholic for years and have been trying to rebuild my life for the past two years but I never seem to get on top of things. This is my first real relationship since the abusive one and I am really unsure of myself.


Thank you for your poem, that was very sweet.

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