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Argghhh whats the difference between cute/sexy/hot

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Ok Im pretty confused as to the meaning of these words. The reason I ask is I guess Im somewhat attractive since Ive had a few girls calling me all three, the thing is though Ive been called "cute" alot more times than Ive been called hot or sexy. Ive read that "cute" is sort of a nice term that girls say to a guy who they arent really attracted to. The thing is though, all the times Ive been called "cute" its been unsolicated, and its been by pretty much strangers. So can cute mean the same thing as hot, but maybe depend on whether or not the guy is shy? Cuz I'm really shy, bordline social anxiety so might this have something to do with it?


Awhile back two girls came up to me and said I was "sooooo cute" , but I cant tell whether or not they were trying to be my friend or maybe one of them wanted something more. Ive caught one of the girls staring at me before so maybe she does like me, but that doesnt explain the use of cute.


Uhh yea ive been sorta rambling but I hope u guys/girls get what im trying to ask

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Well, obviously girls like you so I don't think you should even bother about this junk. Just make sure that in that "cute" self of yours or whatever there is someone who treats all the females with respect and doesn't take advantage of them. One thing though, treat them with respect (don't touch their booties, don't always stare at their breasts, etc, etc) but BE PLAYFUL! Today, girls wont think you like them unless you flirt or whatever, it is sort of stupid because that is a mistake I made with my girlfriend so we had a boring relationship and later split. Not saying that we split because I wasn't playful, it just added to a list of things that didn't meet her standards or needs at the time.

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Hot/Sexy: physically attractive. someone you may fantasise about hooking up with/ sleeping with. Pin up poster boy. card board cutout. Oh yeah he's good looking but haven't really put more thought in then that.


Cute: Attractive. probably spoken to him, or over heard him. Personality by appearances seems freiendly and fun. Not overly intimidating. Would like to get to know him. He usually has a 'boyish charm' about him. Warning, if 'too nice' may be alloted to 'like a brother status'.

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Cute is like endearing and adorable in a warm and fuzzy kinda way.

Sexy is looking at them and seeing them in a sexually attractive way.

Hot is sexually attractive.


In my opinion.


I call a lot of guys cute, hot or sexy but I don't necessarily mean that I'm attracted to them. For example, I'm sure you've called a girl beautiful or pretty and not wanted to sleep with them or have a relationship with them.

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True Metallicaguy,


but only of they're too nice. Too shy to make the move but you're forever hanging out chances are you'll become friends and miss that crucial moment. They don't want a jerk either. A happy medium. a nice guy who's prepared to take a few risks and have some fun, rather then always playing it safe.

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Eh, well, to me --


Cute - Not nessicarily attractive, but I love their personality so the looks dont matter

Sexy - Great looks, dont really know/care about the personality

Hot - All around goodness, great personality and really good looks..


Either way, both 3 are dateable lol

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Cute: attractive, like the adorable and endearing kind that was mentioned, and personality heightens the attractiveness as well.


Sexy: all body, but with a touch of class (or high maintenance if you want)


Hot: all body, rest is irrelevent

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