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have been seeing a girl of 23 and i'm 20. Although before I met her I noticed she was very close friend with guy mates and was always hugging them, dancing with them, kissing them on the cheek. So then we start going out. We have told each other that we care about each other and we like each other a lot, and we sleep together most nightds durting the week. But sometimes when i ask her to come out with me, she is more interested in going out with these guy mates and doesn't seem to want to do anything with me, we have been out twice alone together and Its been me who asked her adn i have bought her 2 little presents. We find it difficult to talk to each other during the day infront of out friends cos we live in a student flats. Quite recently, she has been close with this one guy and we went out adn she didn't talk to me all night, and was dancing rather close with this guy friend (who is also a mate of mine) but more hers. They didn't let each other go all night adn she didn't speak to me although I didn't try either. I keep gettin worried she will cheat and I dont want her to cheat and i look like a DIK infront of every1 8maybe my just male pride), so i brought it up the next day and she said sorry i just wanted to have fun.


i would chuck her cos am not crazy about her and don't think I will ever love her but i do like her and am starting to care about her, what does my head in tho she is consistent that she cares about me and tells me all the time she likes me so much and am sepcial to her.


I really dont know what to do, I think


1.) Chcuk her so i dont be made to look like a *beep.*


2.) Stay with her and take the risk


3.) Just not let myself care about her and enjoy the sex


What do you people think?


Chers for the advice

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are you in austrailia, it sounds like you are, thats sweet if you are. well anyway, I think you need to confront her calmly, tell her if she is going to want to date you then it would be nice if she wouldn't hang on other guys, and if she continues to totally ignore you and hang on other guys the whole time then you should prob just be friends.

good luck.


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3.) Just not let myself care about her and enjoy the sex




The best advice is to mimic her behavior:


If she doesn't seem to care -- then do the same.


If she has lots of guy friends she hangs around with, hugs, kisses and dances with, then I suggest you befriend a girl or two to do the same with.

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If you are looking for a relationship, well, she isnt the one.


Well, you know, it is highly likely that she will change her tune if he changes his tune and starts to act like her.


It's practically guaranteed that if she (even while dancing or hugging some other guy) sees him talking up another chick, that she'll come running over to stake her claim on him.

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