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For the past couple of months I have gotten into a very deep relationship with this girl I met online. We love the same stuff (art, music, life, etc) and have the same thoughts on different issues. Only problem is I live in Washington and she lives in Indiana. She talked about coming down here over the summer, but wasn't sure. We really have this attraction for each other. It doesn't feel sexual (though it can be romantic at times), but we are past the "just friends" stage. She has never had a bf before and I have never had a gf before. There is just something about us that clicks, ya know. She is always sending me pics of her (she's into photography). I do the same, but not as much. I am a very significant person in her life (as she is to me). We understand each other.


But my question is, can you be considered bf and gf if you haven't met face-to-face yet?

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that is exactally the same situatiion I am in with the long distance and really caring for someone on the web. He asked me to be his gf last night and we have been chatting for 2 months maybe more???? IDK. well I think you can be gf and bf yeah, but dang is it hard. I mean it too. the long distance thing sucks. but if you really care about someone enough you can make it work, I think......although i could be wrong, i don't know a whole lot about it other then how I feel, thats why im on here right now too. I also have a very similar post. well I really hope it works out for you really .

good luck.


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I guess if you both decide that's what you want... I think it's harder to tell where it'd go and how it would be if you aren't hanging out in person. There is a lot to communicating in person and it tells you a lot more about them. And even if you met her for a short time, it'd be hard to tell. You learn a lot more in the long haul and being with a person in different kinds of circumstances.


I don't think you should worry toooooo much about titles. Just enjoy the connection you have. If it's about not dating other people or something... that's a whole different thing and up to the two of you to decide if that's what you want...

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i don't think you can have a real gf/bf romantic relationship unless you are in physical contact with one another (i don't mean sex, just meeting, sharing the same space, etc.). sure, you can have some sort of relationship, perhaps a crush or something "more than friends," but until you actually meet face to face (which is exceptionally important, chemistry and all of that) i don't think you can be in a genuine romantic relationship. just my opinion.

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i have met my current boyfriend of 4 years online, and we started off as friends and moved on from there. and guess what, we didn't think we'd ever meet in person and hesitated before we actually decided to just go for it and ask each other out. we met face to face for the first time 2 years ago, and i couldnt' have been happier. In my opinion, you can have just as good a relationship with someone online as in person, and the good thing is that you meet them from the inside first, and its not just hop into bed and leave the next day. It is hard and all but its great, it makes you a little more independent (because you're not with each other 24/7), and you don't take each other for granted. Not everyone can do online relationships and the whole LDR thing, but it is definitely worth a try.

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I've been a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for about 5 months now. We meet online about 5 years ago and talked more or less every single day. We flirted quite a bit online and sometimes hinted to wanting to get together. We met for the first time in person after 4 years of knowing each other and were both hesistant because we thought it might change everything or we would feel awkward around each other, but things have turned out really well and after the 3rd time of meeting up we decided to be get together properly.

I think that to build up a relationship online is a good thing because you get to know a person first inside out, but to really know them properly as said before you have to be in their space and see how they truly are. Just through typing a lot of character is sometimes lost or you can read thing as you want them to mean and assume a skewed character of a person. I do think that really to become gf and bf there needs to be some in person contact and not just being online, i guess it shows real commitment as well.

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Yes, especially if you haven't ever seen a picture of that person. Then when you do after all of the talking alone time online, it makes you want to meet up with the person (in some cases, anyways) even more. You really CAN'T judge a book by its cover if you don't have a cover right in front of you like you would in real life.


But yes, things are going great between her and I. I make her day so much better when we talk. I'm going to call her this weekend (she gave me her # a while back, but keep forgetting to call her) since it's long distance, and I get free unlimited long distance minutes on my cell.


Thanks for the input, everyone. Really!

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Yes, especially if you haven't ever seen a picture of that person. Then when you do after all of the talking alone time online, it makes you want to meet up with the person (in some cases, anyways) even more. You really CAN'T judge a book by its cover if you don't have a cover right in front of you like you would in real life.


Good to see you are calling.

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Well she finally had it with the long distance thing. We were in an argument for more than an hour last night.


I had a feeling that something like this would happen. The chances of both ends wanted to keep it going online and/or on the phone aren't that common it seems. I was in a very bad mood last night, but now I am getting over it. Everything just seemed to flow smoothly between us. Then I accidentally brought up marriage in reference to a videogame (intended to be light and funny) and she took it the wrong way, which led to the relationship thing as a whole, and that's when things went south.


Oh well, time to move on. There's no use in getting all worked up about it. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

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Well we're talking right now. We both had a bad day yesterday and now things are more or less back to normal.. but strictly as friends. It's nice to see that she at least is willing to talk to me. She even called me hunny.

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