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For about two years me and my best friend did everything together. We used to hang with each other all the time. He was the only person I hanged out with because I seriously enjoyed his company, and nobody else’s. My family all meet him and loved him. Everybody though we where dating and honestly I do think we liked eachother a lot but I just kept waiting for him to ask me out officially and he never did. I felt like he really liked me, but then he got a gf. Everybody was so surprised, and I was hurt. Things happened and we didn’t talk for about an year. We haven’t seen eachother and he completely left me behind for his gf. Now we are talking again like the great friends we always have been. We just completely click, in a way I’m 100% him and his gf don’t. Now I do like him but I’m not sure what to do or what will happen. I know he and his gf are having trouble. Shes always post about how he talks to other girls (me) and ignores her. She’s someone I would’ve never seen him with. He hasn’t ONCE mentioned his gf to me. And I seriously mean it, he has NEVER mentions his gf to me I found about her by other friends. I feel like he never asked me out because he thought I would reject him because I have never shown interest. But that is just how I am, i am shy and paranoid but i really did like him and i never had the courage to tell him. Part of me also thinks that he might not have liked me because of my appearance but then again he would always compliment me and encourage me. It’s all so confusing and I just want to ask. What should I do? Should I ask about his gf and see what he finally says? Should I ask him if he ever liked me? Should I ask him if he’s happy in his relationship? Or should I just continue talking to him and just ignore everything?

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You are great friends yet he never mentioned his girlfriend to you? That isn't a great friend, OP.


I don't mean that he doesn't enjoy your company, but you're not as close as you hoped if he's concealing big parts of his life from you. You are demonizing his girlfriend without knowing her, which isn't fair. He's not exactly coming across as Mr. Wonderful either, here.


I would keep some distance from him. His lack of transparency with you suggests this isn't the true friendship you thought it was.

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