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Ok well i posted b4 me and my ex were together on and off for 5 years. We broke up almost two weeks ago and I thought it was the worst thing ever. But now after a lil no contact I dont really miss her that much and for some reason dont care. Do you think this is because we were just attatched and not really in love. Now that im single and living the single life i dont think there is anyway i would ever take her back.

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Ok well i posted b4 me and my ex were together on and off for 5 years. We broke up almost two weeks ago and I thought it was the worst thing ever. But now after a lil no contact I dont really miss her that much and for some reason dont care. Do you think this is because we were just attatched and not really in love. Now that im single and living the single life i dont think there is anyway i would ever take her back.


Yeah, I can relate. I was really upset for like 2 weeks, then it turned to anger, then it turned to indifference, now I don't miss him at all. I enjoy being single. At first I thought I must have been living in denial, I always thought after a LTR ended I would be totally devastated, I guess it depends on the circumstances and how in love with them you were. So yes, I think a lot of that initial pain after the break up has to do with adjusting to being alone and breaking the habit of having them always around...then you begin to realize how better off you are and that it was teh right decision. Of course this is not true in every situation...hence the pain that a lot of our fellow posters are dealing with, but that doesn't mean it still won't get better in time.

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Yea well i think it has alot to do with she is someone else now. And when i look back i think about how much of a negative person she was and feels so good to have her out of my life. She couldnt be trusted and she was a liar. And we had a huge fight a few days ago which really made me realize how bad of a person she really is. I just wish it didnt take me 5 years to realize that there are alot better people out there.

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Shes not differnt then me at all we all like the same things i think thats why we stayed together so long. hmmmm how bad can she be she lies shes cheats. She would go out at night sometimes and disappear basicaly she was just a liar and a cheat. I mean we broke up because she said she was at six flags with her aunt and cousinds come to find she was there with a guy i had no idea about. so you do the math my whole this is why the heck did i put up with that for all those years.

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