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Why does my ex dating guy do this?


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I simply wanted to know your opinion on this.


I knew this guy the last year and we dated for 2 months and then separated because of long distance but decided to remain friends. Just dating nothing important, but talking everyday for 2 months, I felt that I knew him enough.


After that nobody talked anymore till he sent me a merry christmas wish. Cool, that was nice. I responded the same to him and asked about how he was doing. Just a small conversation ending there. Pretty much he wasn't interested to continue the conversation, jut wishing me.


Now my birthday comes one year after and I see him sending me a message again and asking how I am doing. The thing is that I responded with a long message and asked the same about him same and he left it seen. I respond because I like him and would like to get in touch maybe even just like a friend.


Each one has its own life, but anyway he is always the first one who sends the message and leaves mine in seen. I don't get his point. If he pretends to write to me in these occasions just because it is supposed we are friends, you wouldn't leave a friend on seen when she asks about your life right?


Do you think he just makes this because he still likes me, but is to afraid to start talking to me again?

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Who knows his motivation for contacting you? But he clearly squashes any further chit chat.


It's as if he sneaks something through the crack of a door and then you try to push it open.


It also could just be bait and you reward him by biting every time.

Take it for what it is. If it bothers you, then block him.


Trust if he wants something more he'll put in more effort than an electronic `hello'

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