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My girlfriend works with boys in a kitchen in a hotel, when I'm with her she mentions good looking guys sometimes and guys that look different than me, when Im out with her, she looks at guys that she realize that they are interested in her, when a guy smiles at her she goes to talk to him (to see if she konws him) I dont like this behavior and i talked to her, she says that there is nothing wrong, she says that she would never cheat on me and that I have to trust her. I dont like the fact that she knows a lot of guys. If a guy friend is interested in her, she doesnt blow him off, she stays friend with him. If a guy dirty talk to her she laughs.


What the hell should I do?



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You have three options:


1) Tell her how much it bothers you that she gives so much attention to these other guys. If she really cares, she will make some compromises. If not, then either choose option two or option three.


2) Ignore it and just trust her. Big deal she talks to other guys. Maybe you should talk to other girls so she will know what it feels like.


3) Dump her and get a new girlfriend.

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It is not right for her to be acting in that way, especially in front of you. It is rude. She is obviously flirting with these boys, which is not how a person should act when in a relationship.


I think you should talk to her about it. Tell her you don't appreciate her actions at all. Tell her EXACTLY how you feel. If she doesn't listen or change, she is not worth it, sorry to say.


Someone that can flirt right in front of their boyfriend is more likely to cheat, if you ask me. It's not right.

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You don't 'have' to trust her - you either do or you don't.


when a guy smiles at her she goes to talk to him (to see if she konws him)


Nice try but I would not believe that either.


The fact is she is either doing it to try and get another boyfriend and doesn't care about your feelings or she is trying to make you jealous. Neither is acceptable behaviour.

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