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Everywhere I go makes me sad

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It's been 5 weeks since my break up and I really thought I'd feel a bit better by now but I'm still struggling so badly.


We done everything and went everywhere together, a lot.


Now anything I plan to do or go just brings back memories of him. I went to the city shopping today with a friend and the whole journey there I just missed his presence, every shop was a memory with him, every view. I found myself tearing up the whole day and just wanted to go home.


I can't enjoy anything I used to because it's all associated with happier times.


When will this go away, I feel so down and just miss him so much.

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My thoughts are with you Idontevenkno


It does get easier, but sadly it takes time......I know I certainly went through a phase of wishing I could press a button and be over it. I'm no expert, but all I can suggest is maybe thinking of taking up some new hobbies, things that you and your ex never did together.... anything that can help rebuild yourself.


Keep Strong.

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I really feel like I've been trying but my motivation is lacking because of the anxiety I feel about going anywhere. Even a quick trip to the supermarket leaves me tearful.


I've gave up alcohol which is a first for me, started journaling, I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to reason with my ex, blaimed myself, promised to change and have had to restart no contact.


It's been 5 weeks and I can't help but hold onto the thought that he must miss me and be going through this too, which when thought about logically can't be true.


I just regret so much I done in the relationship, and as I was the one to end it, feeling like I had no choice and then to go to begging him back and him telling me he can't because I left him too many times I feel so depressed about it all. If I'd had more patience, spoke more openly, got annoyed less, this wouldn't be happening.

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I know that feeling... When my marriage of 14 years ended, every place in town brought back memories, every decoration in my house, every piece of clothing I wore, you name it, I could connect it all with my ex-wife. If we hadn't had kids I would have left town and started fresh someplace else.


It's three years later and I'm finally feeling free of her other than being taken back to court every 6 months for kid custody. Now she's just a pesky mosquito that I wish I could squish. I still wish she hadn't ended the marriage but I don't have many feelings for her any longer. It was however a difficult three years and it screwed up the relationships I had after that which is why I am here again.


It's memorial day weekend and I should be out doing something with someone special, instead I'm at home by myself typing on a computer to strangers.

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"I've gave up alcohol which is a first for me"


Funny you say that, When I go through breakups I also loose all my desire to drink. I also loose my appetite for any food. For the last three weeks I've been living on water, and small portions of steamed vegetables. I make my own beer so there's 5 gallons sitting in the keg in the fridge but I drink less than a glass a day. Normally it would be 4 to 6 a day.

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"I've gave up alcohol which is a first for me"


Funny you say that, When I go through breakups I also loose all my desire to drink. I also loose my appetite for any food. For the last three weeks I've been living on water, and small portions of steamed vegetables. I make my own beer so there's 5 gallons sitting in the keg in the fridge but I drink less than a glass a day. Normally it would be 4 to 6 a day.


Funny to, when I was dating the ex I began to drink a little and I don't normally drink. When she finished with me, any desire for drink went.... plus I'm avoiding it now due to my diabetes medication.

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I still would like to drink alcohol as it's usually what my social life revolves around, when I drink I feel okay about things but the next day I just feel more depressed which is what has led me to contacting my ex so many times, which again to be ignored or told it's over again and again makes me feel 100x worse, I also know I'm making the break up easier for him by telling him how bad I feel as he now knows he could have me back at anytime so probably doesn't even miss me in the slightest now, when in the beginning he said he was really struggling too but knew it was for the best, now I'm just an annoyance for him.


I also hardly eat, I've lost so much weight in 5 weeks, I try to eat but have no appetite.

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It's been 5 weeks since my break up and I really thought I'd feel a bit better by now but I'm still struggling so badly.


We done everything and went everywhere together, a lot.


Now anything I plan to do or go just brings back memories of him. I went to the city shopping today with a friend and the whole journey there I just missed his presence, every shop was a memory with him, every view. I found myself tearing up the whole day and just wanted to go home.


I can't enjoy anything I used to because it's all associated with happier times.


When will this go away, I feel so down and just miss him so much.


Hang in there as others have mentioned it takes time. I still do occasionally remember my ex after going to a specific restaurant or store. The nostalgic thoughts come and go without any control and im going on 2 months apart already. However it’s happening less and less which is a good sign.

Someone told me that it takes at least 90 days to fully move on however I feel that everyone is a bit different. Try new places that you haven’t been with your ex, use this time now to explore and be spontaneous.

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Hey guys. Going though a traumatic breakup too. I actually end up drinking more. I’ve always been a drinker, not an alcoholic but I enjoy going out with friends drinking. But what I find is alcohol makes me depressed. It’s a depressant anyway but I can still eat and drink I just decided tonight I’d have a full mental breakdown about the breakup after my friend contacted him because she was drunk and was being nosy. I’m home alone, feeling like absolute sh** and I’m now so numb I can’t even feel anything


I know I’ll sleep like a baby tonight because my eyes are so sore, bloodshot and small I can barley see out of them anyway from the amount of crying I’ve dome tonight.


The last time I Cried this much was when my ex ended it Christmas Day and never spoke to me again. Jesus. I can’t even explain how I feel. It’s almost as if I feel nothing anymore.

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