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It's been 4 weeks since my break up.

I've had a few ok days and lots of bad, I'd stopped crying for a while and the debilitating pain had sort of gone away for the most part, however the realisation of the break up has now set in. That he's definitely gone and there's no coming back from this.


Now I just feel sort of empty, I've been keeping myself busy, hanging out with friends, I've even started talking to a few other guys and been asked on a date.


I just can't shake this feeling of emptiness now though. Nothing feels enjoyable, I'm not actively thinking of him when I'm doing things but I just feel sad and empty, like he should be with me, that we should be doing these things together, it's like my mind knows something is missing even when I'm not thinking of him.


I definitely think I'm better than I was 2 weeks ago as I had very little motivation to go anywhere or do anything and now I'm able to force myself to at least go out, meet up with friends and take part in life. But it feels like it has no meaning, and I'm just going through the actions, I can keep a brave face on and carry out a conversation but at the same time I feel so empty inside.


Sometimes I don't feel like I'm progressing at all.

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Your boyfriend was a jerk. He didn't care about you as he showed time and time again. You're not missing him. You're missing having a relationship. If you find someone nice you won't ever think of this idiot again. Women put up with too much and make too many excuses for their boyfriends. Go out on that date you were asked to go on. Just go and have fun. Your boyfriend was a loser.

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It's been 4 weeks since my break up.

I've had a few ok days and lots of bad, I'd stopped crying for a while and the debilitating pain had sort of gone away for the most part, however the realisation of the break up has now set in. That he's definitely gone and there's no coming back from this.


Now I just feel sort of empty, I've been keeping myself busy, hanging out with friends, I've even started talking to a few other guys and been asked on a date.


I just can't shake this feeling of emptiness now though. Nothing feels enjoyable, I'm not actively thinking of him when I'm doing things but I just feel sad and empty, like he should be with me, that we should be doing these things together, it's like my mind knows something is missing even when I'm not thinking of him.


I definitely think I'm better than I was 2 weeks ago as I had very little motivation to go anywhere or do anything and now I'm able to force myself to at least go out, meet up with friends and take part in life. But it feels like it has no meaning, and I'm just going through the actions, I can keep a brave face on and carry out a conversation but at the same time I feel so empty inside.


Sometimes I don't feel like I'm progressing at all.


I understand how you feel. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I sound like a broken record but the grief is not linear. Some days you will be fine and some days it will hit you like your back to Day 1. You just have to ride it out and stay strong. It eventually does get better with time. Do you keep a journal at all? In my most recent breakup I've started writing how I feel each day. I don't see a whole lot of progress but I know I'm better off now than I was on Day 1. It's good to track your feelings so you can see the progress you've been making.


I really don't think there is anything wrong with dating after a breakup as long as you make your intentions clear. If you can manage it...it'll be a great ego boost and will show you that their are plenty of other guys out there that want a chance and will most likely treat you better then what you're grieving over.

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Time, no contact, sitting with your feelings, and engaging in life will take you far. For me, I made the greatest progress in healing by removing him off of all social media and deleting our photos. It's different for everyone, though.

If you're already starting to accept the breakup as final at the 1 month point, you're doing extremely well. It's normal for activities to seem joyless for awhile. Have faith that your day-to-day emotions will generally improve if you completely cut the person out and focus on moving forward.

It helps to keep a list of all the things you're grateful for in life. Chances are, if your main issue is with emptiness, you were expecting the relationship to provide you with happiness you should have been creating for yourself. Try tallying up all the other things in your life you take for granted that bring you joy.

Good luck with healing!

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