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She is nervous excited.


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Hey, me and my girlfriend are def. ready to have sex. It will be her first time and she really wants to lose it to me. There is no question there. We've done everything else and are totally comfortable with talking about sex, etc. Anyway she is just scared that it's going to hurt her alot. I told her that we'll go at her pace and to tell me if it hurts, but she is still nervous about it. Is there anything that helps in the process so it doesn't hurt as much, or does it even hurt that much? I've never had sex with a virgin before, I've just heard stories of it hurting.. alot!


Thank you!

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Yes, it will hurt--but it is different for everyone. No, there is nothing you or she can do to avoid the pain.


But it only hurts for a couple of minutes and I am sure it will bother her less than it will bother you if she really trusts you and loves you.


Good luck, and be sure to use protection!

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Have you ever noticed that when you go to the doctor and he tells you you're going to need a shot that if you watch the needle going in, it hurts more than if you look away and don't think about it?


Well sex for a girl the first time is kinda the same idea and it hurts much worse if she's dry, scared, and preoccupied with how much it's going to hurt.


Fortunately there's a better way. I know you've already told her you'll go her pace, but I think things will go much smoother if the night is more about the journey and less about the destination. Tell her she's the one who's going to have to tell you when she's ready for it (hmmm maybe beg? lol) and until then your focus will just be on pleasuring her as much as possible in as many ways as possible. If it doesn't happen that night, that's okay, practice makes perfect. The important thing is to let her decide the moment or moments. Have fun and use protection!

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