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I'm feeling broken down...

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I'm feeling really broken down right now. Back in January, everything was going perfect for me. I was running a sucessful website, I felt good about myself...everything was just going absolutely great for me. I couldn't of been more happier.


But starting in mid-February, everything went on a downfall. This girl, who I feel is "the one", popped back up. I had forgotten about her for a little over a year, but then I overheard her name in a conversation that I was sitting next to in class. A few days later, the 2nd symester started and I had a complete new class schedule, and she would now be in 4 of my 6 classes. But this isn't really about her, but I feel like ever since then, my life went on a downfall.


I stopped my website that I was running due to lack of interest, and suddenly I started feeling depression. About early March, right when I got home from school, I'd go online for about 10 minutes, but then fall asleep. Recently, I've been doing really bad in school, and now I'm losing tons of sleep.


I just don't know what to do with my life at this point.


Have any of you ever felt like this? I just feel so broken down at this moment.

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I have been going through the same thing since mid-October... I have been so depressed and have dropped out of school (temporarily of course), stopped working, and lost interest in many things I used to love doing. To add to all of that, I have recently gone through a break-up with a boyfriend of 2 years (longest, most serious relationship for both of us).


Throughout this time, I have gone through many ups and downs and have even been at points where I felt like giving up. I am currently in the process of trying to find myself.


I am slowly getting my motivation/energy back, it just takes some time. I am currently applying for grad school right now, really want to get back into school and go for my doctorate. Looking for a new job as well. And friends who I have lost contact with since falling into my depression, I have now begun talking to them nearly everyday like I used to. Things are beginning to look up.


I am definitely not 100% yet, especially since my boyfriend who i love very much is now gone. But what I realized is that there is no way you can think about making another person happy without first making yourself happy. Have to focus on myself for a while and care for myself. Having a support system (family & close friends) helps also.

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EVERYONE feels this way once in a while. I really think these times are designed for us to take stock in what we do have, what we want to have, and what we need to do to get there. Yeah life sucks sometimes, but it's in those rough times that some of the greatest advances occur. This is just a blurp in the grand scheme of things, don't stay down for too long but figure out what you want and go for it.

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