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AbOuT sEx...."WeAk MoMeNt"

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I think a lot of it is because teenagers in general terms have low self esteem, labelling others or putting others down makes them feel better temporarily, or can give them more "standing" amongst their peers. It also helps to distinguish themselves from others and for some, it can help take the spotlight off of themselves (if they themselves sleep around, maybe if they put focus on someone else they will not feel as bad or judged?).


Of course, all this does is hurt more people, and even the "bullies" themselves.


If someone is calling you names, the best thing you can do is be confident in yourself, know that it was a mistake...don't deny it if it is true it did happen, just pretend it does not phase you...the best reaction sometimes can be no reaction. Don't do the same thing back to them...be the better person.

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All of you make a lot of since. But what possesses some girls to act on something so inappriate? It's like the devil sometimes gets to us or something. Paris Hilton is the idol of a lot of girls these days. So a lot of girls end up getting bad reputations and lose all of their friends. I think its sad and I really wish that people would listen to their heart instead of their umm..




is it just me? Or has anyone annitiated sex with a guy you like and then people, such as friends and ppl from school found out? And then you start to regret what happened, but its to late. The word spread and now everyone is calling you names... ..


How does a person deal? Or even Put up with themselves? It kills some girls self esteem. I don't know. I just feel like i will never be any better and that I have changed since this happened.


I guess i just was wondering if anyone can relate and share their experiences

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It happens, and you are not the first girl to initiate something with a guy you like! Just be cautious you are doing it for right reasons, and not just to get him to like YOU (as that is not a very good sure way to do it!).


I know its hard to overcome what others say about you...words hurt, more than bruises do oftentimes...girls can just be downright cruel to one another. Boys just beat one another then make up Girls stigmatize and make other girls outcasts.


Be confident in the choices you made....make wise choices so you CAN be confident in them. And trust me when high school is all over, all of this will seem like childish games. You are better than that

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It's a little to late for the "right person, RIGHT CHOICE, right reasons deal." Its long passed. I was just wondering if i'm the only one or if there are others. If there are other's i wanted to know how you dealt with it.


Well, it is not too late for your future choices.


Many people have gone through the same, I did too when I was younger for reasons due to other peoples jealousy or who knows what insecurities, and I did just what I recommended. They were my choices to make...and what others said was their problem.


People change as I said over time, and later down the road it will all seem like a bunch of silly, immature games on their part. Y

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My best friend and I are very .. different. She went through this when we were in highschool. I know it really bothered her when people spread rumours about her or were rude to her face because of how many people she had slept with. It was hard for her, but I think she looks back now and doesn't actually regret any of it. It's something that she NEEDED to do with her life. If you ask her, she regrets some of the things that were said or done, but she really doesn't regret that phase of her life at all.


It is a double standard. When a guy does it it's cool. If a guy says its a phase he needed to go through, and he had to proverbially sow his wild oats people pat him on the back. When a girl claims the same she's branded as bad and treated with disrespect.


I think I've gotten off topic.



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Now not all guys will congratulate other guys for their sexual encounters. There are men out there who get called names for sleeping around too. Now with girls, i cant speak from experience but i dont think any less of a girl who has had sex with someone they like and want a relationship with. But when a girl is just out looking for a good time, i have a problem with that. I think there is something to say for old-fashioned values.

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