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please read: why wont they love me?

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this is a really really long post but I needed to vent and I really need some advise badly.


Today, I made a really big mistake, but I keep wondering if it really was a mistake. Maybe I needed to listen in and know how they really feel about me. I have always known my mom loves me, she just has a difficult time showing it, but my grandma has always made me feel like she hates me. Well today I found out at least one of those thoughts were true. It turns out neither one of them really love me very much at all, expecially my grandma. She kept going on about how she wishes I would get hurt or just disaper, and she said that I don't treat her with respect. When I do. I do everything she askes me to do , I dont' back talk her, and I really don't talk to her unless she is in a good mood and starts the convo herself. My mom kept saying that I was a bitter person, that I didn't love anyone, and how no one would ever love me. she said that Im mad at the world cause Im not normal, what does she mean by that, I got a great grades in highschool, I have friends, and I generally like people. I try and spend time with my mom, and we usually do go to walmart and spend time together at least twice a week, but she acts like its a hassel, and she doesn't really wanna be there with me, I thought moms wanted to spend time with their daughters. Yesterday, my grandma had made a joke and my sister and I were at the table, and my sister joked back, well my grandma thought it was me and was gonna smake me or hit or something (I don't know really what she was going to do , she just started at me and was swinging). My grandpa got up and stopped her and said it was my sister who had said it, and later He had a long talk with my grandma about how she treats me different and now she's also mad at me and blaming me for that. I don't understand what Im doing wrong, why do they all hate me so much. the only people who(adults) treat me like they love me(and I really mean that, they really do love me a lot) are my papa (grandpa) and uncle. I try to change whatever it is im doing wrong and it just makes things worse. what am I suppost to do?

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Hey Qtpie,


It seems to me like your grandmother and your mother have some problems they need to sort out. By the sounds of it you're a great person.


Sometimes other people are incomplete and they lash out at those around them. They look for and create flaws in others so that they don't need to look at themselves.


Sounds liek you're going through a really rough time and i hope your family can sort themselves out. In the meantime i suggest continuing to come here and find support.

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That is truly a rotten situation...I imagine it hurts tremendously. My Grandma used to treat my mom that way. She went as far as to tell her that she should have given her and her sister and brother up for adoption. She told my mom this like 8 years ago about 2 years before she passed away. Can you imagine? All I can say is in another year you're going to be 18...I would get out of that situation and find a healthier environment for yourself. You don't need people (even if they are you're parents) making you feel like less of a person. Good luck to you...let us know how you're handling things.

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actually I can imagin what It would feel like having your mom say that. My mom actually tried to but my grandpa wouldn't let her, that was like a year ago though she's a lot better now, it's just what she says and how she acts. It sucks! I feel bad that your mom had to go through this too, cause it hurts.

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This comes from my girlfriend,


Your mom and granny could be jealous that the males of the family like you better then themselfs. I know that sound strange and don't worry about them you seem like a well adjusted person. The problem lies with them and thier mental problems. Her grany is like yours and eventually you will see things in a different tone like when they go to the nursing home and you can just ignore them while they see all of the other people in the home then get visits from the people who they loved, bitter people like your granny and your mom will get thiers. The last part is from me not my g/f

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