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Hmmm...stumped on this one, did I pop her cherry?

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Alright, so my girlfriend was over today and my parents left for an hour or two so we were messing around and having fun. She's not a virgin and has had sex with one person before but her cherry was never popped. Well she was also expecting to have her period in the next couple days, she checked before we did anything and it seemed alright. I ate her out and then I fingered her. After I fingered her there was blood on my hand and the carpet and we both went to the bathroom and washed up. She said she didn't think so much blood came out when the cherry got popped. But she also said if it was her period she would have bled more and she would have still been bleeding when she got home (whch she wasn't)...soooo anyone know what it was?

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well if she has had sex before than her "cherry" would already be "popped" .. im not so sure than what happened ... maybe you hurt her or something ... i would talk with her about it and her past sex experience to make sure what happened .. or maybe it was just her period

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im sry to tell ya kid but yes it does lol ... there is no way for penitration to accour and the "cherry" not to "pop" .. the "cherry" is a thin layer of skin at the front of the vagina ... if a penis was to be inserted into the vagina the "cherry" would have to be broken or "popped"

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If you have to ask a question like this, you have no business having sex. A woman's body is not there for you to learn biology. You guys are obviously in over your heads. Why don't you pull back and not "fool around" to the point where you have to worry or be concerned with anything? Why are you adding stress to your relationship at this age? Just because you are horny?

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I think your gf thinks that losing her virginity means it would bleed necessarily, which is a myth. She is not a virgin because she had intercourse, I think what happened was her period. The whole story gives me the impression that the both of you are not ready to have sex in the first place.


Moreover, I think it's highly unlikely that she didn't have 'her cherry popped' when she actually had sex in the past, but she did when you fingered her?



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