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Breaking up to be with other ppl

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Hi I just wanted to know what everyone here thought about partners that break up to sleep with other people then come back begging to get back together. Ive had this happen to me a few times. One time I declined telling her that I didnt want her anymore since she had sex with another. 2 other times I did take them back but I never felt the same about them. So I ended up breaking it off with them. I just wanted to know what other ppl thought about this kind of situation.

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I agree with Olivia, people like that don't deserve a relationship or a loving person. They are confused and immature. Sometimes people don't know that they have a good thing until it's gone. People sometimes ask themselves, wonder if I can do better and they go on a hunt and realize, "Oh my gosh", I had the best damn bf/gf and I just threw it away. Again I agree with Olivia, they arn't even worth losing any breath talking to them.


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Steer well clear! These people ain't nothing but trouble and acting on their own selfish desires without any consideration for their partner's feelings. You should respect yourself enough not to take them back! They are the mixed up ones and it's best not to involve yourself again with them. Like you say it is never the same as the trust has gone from the relationship anyway. Move on and find someone who respects you and your feelings and is willing to commit their love, time and effort into a good, mutually satisfying, happy relationship with you!

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i agree with y'all! my guy friend had a gf and she'd break up with him and go with another guy and then go back with him. it was horrible! she was jus using him! once the other guy'd use her up she'd go running back to him. i'm so happy for him now cuz he's moved onto someone much better for him!

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I've been in the same situation although I'm ashamed to say that I did take them back. Like others here have said, it wasn't the same. I thought it could be but now I realize it wasn't. The problem wasn't on my side though, meaning, it wasn't just my inability to forgive. The problem was that he was never really sorry for what he'd done. I thought he was. I thought he had seen the light. Oh boy, was I wrong. He was just seeing a way to have his cake and eat it too.


Only now am I finally coming to realize that he never ever had respect for me. He said and continues to say how highly he respects me and though I say, "well, you certainly don't act like it." my problem is that I'm actually believing he DOES respect me. Of course he doesn't. But this is something so hard to understand because I DO have a lot of self-respect. Or I thought I did. But thinking you have self-respect and actually having it are different and so in a way I guess I'm like him. Thoughts are not enough. You've got to WALK THE TALK!

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