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Interracial Relationship....Scared! Please help....

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I'll try to keep this short. See, this is my problem... I'm a Portugese female and i'm in a relationship of 3 years with an east Indian guy. im 17 (i know im young) and so is he. His parents know and dissaproves. My parents are divorced and i live with my mom and she knows about the relationship (she adores him). But my dad, whom i dont see very often (once a week), has no clue. I'm so scared to tell my dad but i know i have to soon, it's killing me inside. I'm very sure he'll get very angry probably shun me. Please help me... i really need advice...



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if your father will shun you just because your boyfriend is of a different race, then its not you with the problem but he. a parent's job is to love their child unconditionally, and teaching them ways through life like respecting people and liking people for who they are and not what color, ethnicity or religion they are. I'm sorry your father feels that way. But a good father will be happy for you if your happy. It's ok for parents to show concern, but if you're not getting hurt, and its something positive and constructive and its a loving relationship NOTHING ELSE SHOULD MATTER.


If he feels he can't look at his duaghter because she is dating an Indian man who loves her and treats her like she deserves than he is a very disconnected man.

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your father's going to have to find out eventually. sure, he may not approve, he may shun you, but maybe not. the point is, no matter what his reaction is, he's going to have to find out sooner or later. plus, if you let him know sooner, then that's one less thing for you to worry about.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd just add that in the end, you are going to live your life for yourself and not your parents approval. Not to say that it is painful to not have the support of a parent, but the reality is that we move on away from our parents to make our own lives for ourselves. I hope things can work out.

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