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obsessed with anal, doesn't even like vaginal sex?

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A guy added me on yahoo the other night..I was talking to him, and I've never met anyone like him before. I know most guys like anal, and that some like it better than regular sex. But he said he pretty much doesn't enjoy regular sex at all? And he thinks anal is very very hot. I'm used to guys liking anal, but he seems..well I just haven't met anyone before who doesn't even get pleasure out of the other type. Want to explain it, or tell me if you're like this too? Not being judgemental, just curious...



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umm... you're 15. How old is this man who's IMing you about sex? My guess is he's over 18. I'm sorry - but that's the part I find the most gross.


It's an awfully intimate thing to be talking with over the internet with someone you don't know. Be careful.


(but... for really really liking anal more than vaginal... I guess you know what they say, "different strokes for different folks."

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It is unusual for a man to only enjoy anal but a lot of men do enjoy it more than regular sex because 1. the anus is tighter and 2. it's a primal thing.


i would be more worried about a stranger talking about such intimate things to you....







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he might be gay


I guess its a tighter fit then the vaginal area...But BUTTS? I think He should really consider some counceling or something. Its NOT really normal but its NOT really Not normal...Its all to do with the hormones. Let him know that hes crazy, No just let him know how you feel about how he is talking and what he is making himself sound like from your own opinion.

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i think it's more of something more mature men are interested in and there is nothing abnormal about it at all.


there is if that's all he wants though and as i stated before...you don't even know the guy, that should be the problem.







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I'm not going to pass any judgement on him for what he likes. I'm not a judgemental person. It's not something I've ran accross before, that's all.


As far as the girth thing...*shrugs* don't think that's why...


He's 19.


No, I don't really know him. But bc of the way I live my life, that's not a big deal.



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Some men like anal more.....I know a couple girls whose boyfriends pretty much ONLY want anal. For them I think it is more the fascination with it - if you look at a lot of the porn out there, there is an abundance of anal. I think it is often a primal thing, a dominance thing for some men. Don't think it means they are gay at all, so to whoever said that...mmm....it's still a female, and you can still tell that. Maybe there are *some* for whom that might be the case, but its a rather broad generalization I think.


That being said, anal sex can be great, it is a very intimate act for me to share with someone, and I will only do it with a longterm partner I feel safe and secure with. In fact there have only been a couple I ever have done it with (one being my current partner). As long as you take precautions, trust your partner and use LOTS of lube it can be VERY pleasurable for both partners - I have amazing orgasms through anal. And contrary to what some may believe, very clean (but tissue is more delicate to easier risk of STD's and tearing without care).


I would be more concerned about talking about this stuff with a guy over the internet you have not met.

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Anal is cool ok? It is very pleasing going into a woman's butt mostly because I have to agree it's a primal thing and it's tighter than a vagina. Although I would never get passed a vagina in my entire life!!! I can certainly understand why someone likes anal sex and no I am not gay but you have to understand women's butt are marvelous, so beautiful and I whenever I see a woman with a nice big butt let's say like J.Lo or Trina I just wanna take a huge bite and get up in that a**.

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My boyfriend likes anal alot!!!!!!!! I don't know why. I just do it with him because. I do enjoy it sometimes but not all the time, especially when its dry down there it can hurt a little. I asked him if he thinks that its possible that he's an as* man and he says no. He says that he likes it as much as a vagina and that he would be mad to even go past my vagina. Sometimes though he only wants anal sex which really bugs me cause I LOVE vaginal sex. I think the appeal of anal is that its tight and primal too. There's nothing wrong with it as long as you take precausions but this guy you're talking about sound a little on the bi side of life! As a male friend told me once,'' How can you deny liking a warm sexy, hot vagina just waiting to be taken''

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