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Hello Im 16 years old, I have recently fallin inlove about 3 or 4 months

ago, He and I started out GREAT friends, Closer than ever, I told him EVERYTHING, I trusted him with my heart and trusted him with my love. He said it all back to me and trusted me to, or so he said, Well i trusted him so I believed him of course! Well when we broke up, we started out as a break, then I went on his Screen name to see what he was up to, yes selfish and nosey I know, But I found out that while we were together he met this girl offline that was a "freak" thats what he says, he asked her to have sex, to be Sex buddies, I saw the e-mail he sent she showed me. Then I met this other girl who now im best friends with, she told me he asked her for sex too. Me being the niave and dumb person i am I dont listen to what they have to say until i see it for myself, amber, the one im friends with now, never showed me anything then the other girl the "freak" showed me e-mails I know its mean of me to go on his screen name it was really rude, so now my heart is finally mending, fianlly getting over him and realizing i dont need him! OH did i mention, he e-mailed me and said "theres no one else, I just want to get stuff in my life straightened out" and I find out he was with a girl and asked her out like a week before we broke up! yeah that really ticked me off! anywho, Im a depressed person, i take anti depresants, and im dealing with life one step at a time, we Im fiannly getting happy again, fianlly thinking about the GOOD Memories with him and not the BAD! I still love him, but was getting over all the stuff he did and that i did, I e-mailed him about 4 weeks ago to ask for forgiveness maybe it was 6 weeks i dont wuite remember, but we havent talked since, we havent even spoken on word to each other, i dont even remember his voice, only his face. So i get a missed call on my cell sunday night, I didnt know it was his Cell phone so i called it and found out it was him, i didnt talk to him, he didnt know i called him cuz i blocked it. So I get a call about 11pm, hes calling me to see who i feel about him, to see how i am and stuff, well I find out that he found out the girl he left me for was cheating on him, So he wanted to know how i felt, how i was feeling and stuff, I wouldnt tell him, I didnt wanna risk it. So he said "I wanna get back together" I said "why because your girlfriend cheated on you?" and he said "whatever!" and hung up! then called back like 15-20 minutes later, we talked for like 5-6 minutes, and he out me on hold, i hung up cuz i didnt think he'd come back, so anywho now im left her with the love of my life playing games with me! I feel as if my heart once again has been ripped out, thrown the the ground, shattered into millions of pieces and then put back in. Im not only hurt, confused and angry, im depressed, I dont know how to react to this, I cant walk away from something that made me smile so much, i cant give up on someone i love so much! but hes playing games, hes making me think about this all the time! I just dont know what to do, I have NEVER cried over someone or anything this much! Im sick of the pain, im sick of the hurt, One more kiss could be the best but one more lie could be the worst so im left here, wondering, crying and in pain! WHAT DO I DO!?? I need help! PLEASE HELP!?

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heyy..thats really horrible ( about what he did and/or is doing to you) I've never had a break-up that bad but i know that if the person im with now breaks up with me or vice versa...ill have the same exact problem...my best advice is too break off all contact with him ..get your cell number changed if need be becuase the more communication you have with him the harder its going to be and honestly if I were you I would not go back to him it''ll probley only get worse and obviously you guys dont have the same views as to what you want out of the realationship..so dont go back!! good luck...and remember this'll pass..it just takes time you need to talk or anything just IM me kkk hope you feel better

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props for saying what you said!! that took great courage. and i think you did the right thing. as much as this made you smile he was a jerk. and clearly that hasnt changed. have as littel communication with him as possible. this guy is just bored and trying to get with you because the other girl left him. hes PURELY using you. this guy is totally crap. and i say you move on and find a guy who will appreciate you completely!

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