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Feeling trapped!!!

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Please help with any advice that you can. My problem is that I married the most wonderful man when I was only 19. We have gone on to have 2 beautiful children whom we both adore. We have now been married more than 10 years and I am now 30 years old. I am starting to resent and regret getting married so young because I did not get a lot of time to date. When my friends and I go out I get a lot of attention from men and it is getting harder and harder to turn them away. Does this make me a horrible person? How can I go back to be completely happy with just my husbands attention? Am I being fair to myself by not seperating and trying the whole dating scene? I am soooo confused. I truly love my husband and don't want to hurt him. Please help.

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Wow! I feel like my mom just came to life and lost 15 years!!! Yeah, my parents went through the same thing, got married young, mom started to regret, eventually decided she wanted to try the dating scene and moved out. What should you do? Well, how strong is your relationship, how old are your children, could you "date around" or do you think you would be more succeptible to falling into a monogomas relationship with someone else? You need to answer these questions, you can ask for advice, but really the decision lies with you. One thing I strongly suggest you don't do, especially if your children are reaching preteen or teenage, do NOT and I repeat this with as much emphasis as I can muster, do NOT discuss this with your children. Do not ask them to chose sides, or if they will be "ok" with it. I do suggest you talk to your husband after you think about the above questions. Children should not be put in the middle of it, not that I'm saying you would, but unintentionally you may. (my mom did it and I know other women have) Remember also, you are married, but you are not dead(my mother's favorite quote) there is nothing wrong with dancing with another man, as long as you go home with your husband. But that's just my opinion. Good luck!

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You really need to ask yourself what is it you think is missing from your relationship with your husband? is it just sex, is it attention? or you just want to feel that spark of a new romance?


Just take these things in mind though, You will be hurting a person that loves you and has been faithful to you all these years.


The spark and novelty of a new relationship wears out pretty fast, then were are you?


Good men like your husband are very hard to find.


You can probably expect backlash from your family and kids if they find out.


If your planning to have an affair behind your husbands back are you willing to live with what you have done for the rest of your life?


Whatever is missing in your marriage, you need to try and bring it into it.

I am not going to lie to you, if you have an affair, youll most likely feel great, the novelty, the idea that someone else finds you attractive and sexy, is a turn on, ok but then what? is it worth it? is it worth losing everything for a moments pleasure? think about it.

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