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I can't find a reason to be here.

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I dont know how to start this,


I am a person who has no one except my parents to love and care for me. I can't find a reason why I should be here in this world.


The only thing I do in this world is hurting all the people who love me.


I feel sick of this life. Noone understands me. Noone cares for me.


I dont know what to do. I have thought of putting an end to my life many a times. The only reason i didnt do that was because that would hurt my parents a lot.


I cant find myself worthy of anything. I am a born looser. There is nothing I am good at. I fail at everything I attempt.


Someone tell me what to do.


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I have been where you seem to be. Everything bleak without reason or rhyme. Life is and nothing more. Surrounded by saddness consumed by hate, it is hard to find purpose.


But I am more than confident that you serve a purpose, and that purpose no matter how large or small is yours and yours alone.


I would be more than happy to be a sholder to lean on or at least an ear to chew. It is only when we express our emotions, (into some sort of physicality such as talking or writting) do we even begin to understand them.


You are welcome to share or not.. I just wish you happieness and purpose.

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Hey, k... i know what your going through, my ex was first like this when i met her and i eventually became it. Theres something really important you need to know, that there are people out there that love you and need you in their life, if u commit suicide now ur throwing everything away that u might have in the future. When i was like this i remember a good friend of mine telling me that "you just need to stick around on a day by day basis, you need to love yourself, look at the brighter side of life" theres so many things u can do to make yourself feel better, if you need any ideas just msg me. But i think you should be fine if you just think about this

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Hey im really sorry to hear that,i just wanted to let you know that im in the same boat that you are in.I've felt the same exact way you do,recently too i might add.I felt sick of life,not wanting to deal with the people who dont understand me at all,who dont notice me at all.I too was once hurting the people i loved and cared about and thought about suicide quite often.Your definitley not a failure as far as i see,u were brave enough and smart enough to ask for help.Thats the first step to getting better as far as im concerned,some people dont even come forward about there problem cause they are so worried about what people will think that they silently suffer,so im glad that you realized you needed some change in your life.There is a reason for you to be in this world,u may not know it yet but your not alone in that feeling,i often wonder it myself.I know you said no one understands but i can say that i do,i was and still am in the exact same situation that you are in.My advice is to go see a therapist and start putting your life together,invest your free time into it.Change can happen,you just have to want it for yourself.you can achieve anything you set your mind too,including defeating the depression that clouds your life.You've already taken the first step,now all that's left is for you to finish the rest of the walk.you can always come to me if you need someone to talk too,so feel free to pm me or if you have aim my sn is areweforgotten.i know depression can be a difficult thing but i really wanna be someone for you to talk too when you need help or are feeling down.I really truly hope you get better.Good luck on the road to recovery and remember,you are not alone.

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listen black widow, times may b hard and u may think there is no point to life, but believe me, i bet thr are plenty ppl that wud miss you. you have ur whole life ahead of you and i bet ur worthy of alot more than u think. listen if u need to talk add me email removed, i kno wha ur going thru iv attempted 2 kill myself before...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont know how to start this,


I am a person who has no one except my parents to love and care for me. I can't find a reason why I should be here in this world.


The only thing I do in this world is hurting all the people who love me.


I feel sick of this life. Noone understands me. Noone cares for me.


I dont know what to do. I have thought of putting an end to my life many a times. The only reason i didnt do that was because that would hurt my parents a lot.


I cant find myself worthy of anything. I am a born looser. There is nothing I am good at. I fail at everything I attempt.


Someone tell me what to do.



i knew this kind of feelings some years ago

sometime life it's hard

at least u have parents,i grown as orphan

i had just one friend he was orphan as me

so we were unsplittable

just don't give up!

now i'm an happy person

i have good job,i have a gf,we are planning to marry

i still have that friend,now we joke about the ugly years of our childhood



try to keep your mind busy,plan things and do them

and time will say u are not a loser

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