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Leave or Stay?


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My boyfriend and I have been together going on 10 months now. Four months into the relationship I told him that I love him but he responded that he cares for me he hasn’t reached the level of love yet. Six months later and he feels the same. He even broke up with me because “he doesn’t want to force something he doesn’t feel...it’s not fair to me”. The break up only lasted a few hours. He says he doesn’t want to lose what we have. We agreed to continue the relationship and see if his feelings change. We don’t have any serious issues outside of this. He puts forth effort and shows that he cares. I’m conflicted because I don’t know if he really doesn’t feel anything deeper for me or if he’s not allowing himself to. I don’t want to lose him or what we have but sometimes I wonder if I’m wasting my time. What if his feelings never grow? I try to go with the flow and enjoy each day for what it is but it’s kind of eating at me.

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People show they love you more than they say it. Does his actions=love in your opunion or are there any red flags that show hes not into you?


I had been with a guy who never said he loved me. Then I studied his actions which were zero love and I got my answer right there. I think you hold the answer to this if you study his actions very well.

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Based off his actions I would say he loves me. He makes time for me. Since the last convo/breakup he’s surprised me with fun outings for us to enjoy together. He puts forth the effort and I wouldn’t think anything is wrong if he didn’t tell me that he doesn’t feel a deep connection.

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He is 27 and I am 28. He was in a 3 year relationship that ended about 3-4 years ago. His ex cheated on him but he stayed and later broke up with her because he felt their relationship wasn’t healthy. He admits that he thinks he’s an emotionally numb person.

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My boyfriend and I have been together going on 10 months now. He even broke up with me because “he doesn’t want to force something he doesn’t feel...it’s not fair to me”. The break up only lasted a few hours. He says he doesn’t want to lose what we have.


Stop overthinking. Leave him. He's come out and directly told you that he's not into you. What other sign are you looking for?


I can see if you were with him for years, and/or have kids by him. But, you've only been with him for 10 months! If you have nothing to do with your time and just want to hang out with someone, then fine. But, if you're looking for a real relationship, then move on.

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