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Speech Impediment?

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Hey, I recently noticed a few things I do when I talk and I've been trying to 'fix' them. I don't know if you would call them speech impediments or not but I can't stop myself from doing them.


1. If anyone asks me a question I ALWAYS say, "eh...." before I answer, even if I know the answer I don't know why, I've tried to stop myself and its really anyoing me.


2. When I'm talking to people even if I know something 100% I always say, "I think...." even if I know, I don't know why.


I think these might be to do with me having a lack of confidence as a child. Can someone please give me advice for breaking out of these habits and becoming a more confident speaker.




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This is a problem I have myself. I knoticed I stutter a lot when I'm nervious. But if I think carefully before I say anything I genrally am able to stop myself.

It probably is a self confidence issue and this is something that will go away with a lot of hard work and effot. I've been trying for a few years and ocationally it will get worse and then when I feel better in myself it gets better.

Good Luck,


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