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HELP! worried about infection

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I'm so worried right now.

This is embarrassing...just saw a little red bump on my vagina. I'm scared about it, never had something weird like this b4. It hurts and the whole area is a bit itchy. I don't have any unusual discharge...actually less...

Can anyone please tell me what this could be.


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Hi Sad Cara,


Well, it could be a number of things. It could be a benign cyst, or an inconveniently located pimple, or it could be more serious, a wart from HPV or a lesion from Herpes.


Do you have reason to be concerned? Have you always had protected sex, or been tested and had partners tested before having unprotected sex?


either way, the only way to really find out what it is is to go and see your gyno, and have it examined.

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I'm really uncomfortable going to a doctor.

My ex and i had protected sex. it's always protected, and we were each other's firsts.

I think for now that it was like you said a VERY inconvenient pimple.(it popped! :s) That scared the heck out of me! I'll have to see as time goes on, but thanks for your post.

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Thank god it was a pimple!


I had a similar thing - it ended up being an ingrown hair that got slightly infected and became a pimple. You should look carefully and see if there's a hair in there - if so, remove it so it doesn't cause irritation again, and then apply a mild antibacterial (like just a tiny bit of peroxide) to the spot using a q-tip to prevent reinfection.

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