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is it good to test your sexual compatibility first...

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Hi St*r,


I don't think it's nessecary. If the chemistry is there between two people, and you feel emotionally connected, I think starting a relationship before having sex is just fine. If there is enough there to make you want to be in a committed relationship, than if the sexual compatability between you is not perfect, you can work on it together.


But..... I am willing to bet that if you feel strongly enough about committing yourself to one person, the chemistry will be strong enough that sexually you will connect as well.


Good luck!

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What have you got to loose? Unless its ur first time then make it special, but if not, dont let the sex be a problem. If you need a good lover in bed to be happy dont get yourself in a fix if he isnt able to satisfy you. I have learned for some women sex is a big part of a relationship, so if you are even questioning the thought then you feel that sex is very important.

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well, its not really me, its the guy...


currently he sees us as "friends enjoying each other". though we havent had sex "all the way" yet. just oral..


he says, if things go well between us, then we might go up a notch higher, meaning be a couple officially...


however, im a virgin, and i want to give it someone really special. i like him though. he promised me that he'll make it memorable for me. but i know that it would be more memorable for me if he's really interested in me, rather than just "friends enjoying each other".


if i have sex with him, and later on realize that we cant go any further, im on the losing end...


he's invited me to go with him to the beach. i dunno if i should go with him... knowing that if i go with him, he would naturally expect that im ready to have sex with him...


i really like him though....

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I cant say if sexual compatibility will be a big issue for you. Yes it is a big issue in relationships, typically there is one person who wants sex more than the other person is willing to have. Seeing that you are a virgin I would focus more on the person you want to have sex with rather than sexual compatibility at this point. You may believe that you want to be in a relationship before you have sex, or you may just want to have sex with a specific person. Either way decide what you want then go from there. Remember you NEVER forget your first time.

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well, fantasia, i realized i dont think i could really do that.


losing it for the first time, i have always believed that i would want it with someone i love and that im in a relationship with, not just with someone who calls what us "friends enjoying each other"...

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The line "friends enjoying each other" probably means he's not serious enough for you to depend on right now.


His position is perfectly defensible, in my opinion: I would never move into a relationship without a significant amount of sexual activity beforehand. But that's just me (and him).


He doesn't sound like he's "big time" enough for you right now.


Don't chase 'em, replace 'em.

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