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Should I start seeing other people if I'm getting mixed signals?


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Before I left for university i started talking to this guy but in a friendship way. I thought he was gay so I was just looking for friendship. We had similar interest and were in the same class. We hung out a few times and each time was nice we talked for hours and seemed to really connect. But one time we hung out is when i found out he was not gay as we ended up making out. After that we talked as we did before but nothing was official. He would try to give me nicknames and other things (he did give me slightly less attention than he did before) but things were still good. The nickname he gave me was wack so I said he could pretty much just call me the same nickname my friends called me in which he replied "but then it wont be special" and i pretty much asked him what are we/what are we doing and he let me know that he doesn't think we'll end up a couple and we should just try for friendship etc he informed me that the day we made out their definitely was feeling but things going as far as it did was more so impulse. My problem is ever since that day he hasnt paid as much attention and will sometimes not reply to my message while other times he'll have a lot to say and our conversations are nice. If i talk about or post anything about other guys on my snap he will definitely talk to me that day or reach out. One of the times we talked i brought up this guy and he looked him up on facebook. At times it seems like hes pushing me to see other people/date but then he turns around and does little things that sort of show that he wants my attention. he's made it clear that he still very much so wants to talk to me still (even on a friendship level) I try to consider that maybe he didnt push/want a relationship since I was leaving which is understandable. Part of me feels that if he really liked me then he would have made me his girlfriend therefor i should feel free to see other people but the other part of me feels like if I were to do so I'd be burning a bridge or hurting him. I honestly don't know what to do....

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I don't think you are getting mixed signals. His signals and words have been very clear. You seem to be trying to read the tea leaves and trying to interpret something different in between.


He told you straight up he wasn't interested in a relationship. I suspect when you do reach out under the guise of being his friend, he senses you are looking for more than friendship and that's why you are getting inconsistent responses from him. He doesn't want to lead you on.


I don't doubt you are a very nice person and he sees that you would be a good friend. Unfortunately he can sense more is going on. You have more or less confirmed that.


Should you start seeing other people? I can't see any reason why you stopped.

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Part of me feels that if he really liked me then he would have made me his girlfriend therefor i should feel free to see other people but the other part of me feels like if I were to do so I'd be burning a bridge or hurting him. I honestly don't know what to do....


This is how one feels when dealing with someone who presents a Jekyll/Hyde personality to you. You do not need this type of craziness in your life. Move on from him. You are not as connected with him as you might think, else you wouldn't be confused.

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