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Please help i made a boo boo!

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I have recently split up with my boyfriend about three weeks ago after a year together. Yes we were arguing but not very often and we are heading towards the end of university so got a lot of work to do, but I am so heart broken. i am so in love with this guy and I dont want to accept its over - I have so much hope for us to be together as one again. i know that when we were together we spent so much time together and communicated through text messages, also with me drinking it did not help. i have stopped drinking now and trying to get my life together but i miss him terribly. We do text each other but it is normally me who starts it, and he always texts me back straight after. i made a hiccup last night and i text him saying "that i would like us to gicve it another go before its too late. I know it was me that caused the problems and for that I am truly sorry. i do care a lot about you and I dod miss you, i just cant accept that fact that we are over." he has not text me back at all, and i am in tears ... please help any advice????? i dont want to give up on him at all as i love him so....

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he broke it of with me - he has just text me and said that love was not enough, and he is relly busy at the moment so he does not have time for a relationship. How do I make him see other wise? i sent him back a text and said that love does not die, and hopefully we will work this out, but i am still going to go out, and have fun. What do I do???

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Well he sounds unsure.. i think the best for you to do now is no contact. There are many topics about NC here. You need to give him time to realise what he wants and how he is without you there. Perhaps it will make him understand he loves you and he will come back. But if you keep sending messages to him it will push him away. Just make sure you have told him about your feelings and let him be.

If he doesnt come back - well his loss.. but if he does come back then its meant to be.

Take care of yourself and again, make sure you have told him how you feel, like maybe send an email (but dont beg for him to come back, sound cool).. and then just let him be and act cool.

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Right here are the text messages: Please someone help me!

ME: I have hope that we will be together again,, as i care about you deeply and that I know where i went wrong. i just cant accept the fact that we are over and would like us to have another chance

ME: I do love you deeply, but at the end of the day I realise you dont feel the same

HIM: I told you how i feel i just want to be friends

ME: Okay, you know how I feel, but I guess its time for me to move on

HIM: Yeah I did not think that you would waste too much time in that

ME: Yes i care about you deeply but i hurt but you want to be friends only. You used to tell me that you loved me everyday was that a lie? and i did not mean that

HIM: I never lied to you about that, if you believe that then go to h**l. Thing is though it was not enough

ME: Yes and i still have hope that we can make this work

HIM: Its not happening esp at the moment. I have all ready said I dont have time for a relationship at the moment esp with anyone. Look I am at work I will call you later or something


Help please -what do I do????

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Hard as it is I think he has already given you the answer you are on here looking for. He has made it clear how he feels and I know that this may seem almost impossible to you right now, but you have to move on. He seems a bit harsh and uncaring in the texts, that must be difficult for you too. Time is the only thing that is going to make you feel better, spend it with friends and family, people who really care and can make you feel better about yourself. Kepp busy and eventually you will wakr up one morning and realise it's getting easier. Good luck

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