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How do you truly let go of anger?

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Okay so after you count to ten, and don't call back and don't make the whole situation get blown out of proportion, how do you stop yourself from resenting the angry words or actions from your partner?


How do you just let it go? how do you truly go from mad to 8) cool again - truly without faking it.

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You have to give the anger another outlet. You can't just internalize it or it eats at you. That's what causes resentment.


Go out in your car and scream. Or go for an angry power walk. Or work out. Or go hit something (soft!). Ask a friend to role play your partner and let you scream at them. Whatever method works for you to let the anger pass.

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I think you need to get it all out before you can move on, talk about it, post on here, anything so you are not sitting thinking about it. Write a letter saying all the things you wish you could tell her but know you cant. Time gives us so much perspecive on things, remember you wont always feel like this. Good luck

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thank you for the advice everyone.


I think the hot shower I took and writing here hrlped alot. I'm still a little angry though. spoke to my boyfriend - helped a little but I'm just mad when he tells me basically he'll keep doing the same thing even though he knows it upsets me.


I have no idea how to not be resentful of that

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